Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Its been 730 days or 104 weeks, since Abby was born. That calculates to 2 years.  Yes 2 years!!

Where has the time gone.  I would have never thought it would have gone this fast. It really does seem like yesterday that we were riding home from the hospital.  Although, I really do love this stage more than any of the infants stages.

Abby is still petite.  I don't have an exact weight, but she was recently weighed in at 22.5 pounds.  She wears 18 month clothes.  And pants are too big if they don't have tabs.  I don't know height yet, but we get measured next week when we go for her check up.  She's my petite peanut and always will be.

She has 14 teeth, with two more canines coming through soon.  She looks so cute with a mouth full of teeth.  All that will be left is the two year old molars.  I don't suspect those for a while, given the delay in all the other teeth.  Once all the teeth are in, I will take off the amber necklace and put it away.  I can't say that it has or hasn't been helpful.  She hasn't had too much trouble with teeth, so I don't know if that's why or if that's just her.  I wasn't going to take it off and see what happens!

She's still a good eater.  Although recently she will push her plate away and say she doesn't like something.  At which point she is fine not getting anything else to eat.  I'm not worried she is going to starve.  And sometimes, she comes back around when she seems one of us eating it.  Her favorites are still cookies.  She loves pizza, spaghetti, green beans, pancakes, peanut butter, chocolate milk, apple juice, cheese, yogurt, hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, toast, and M&M's. She never eats a large amount, but you can tell when she really likes something because she will eat it quickly.

Her personality is still emerging and its a joy to watch.  She is so much like Gene and me its crazy!  She is creative.  She is intuitive.  She is a quick learner with a sharp memory.  She is easy going (most of the time... she does like routine.. and does have moments).  She is loving.  She is not shy around those that she knows.  She is always a hit a soccer games because she just travels from parent to parent. She is inquisitive and recognizes when things have changed.  "What dis"  "What dat"  I know "Why" is not too far off in her vocabulary.

Her stuffed monkey, Mimi, and her blanket are still prized possessions.  Paci is a strong contender at home.  I think soon, we will do away with all the paci's.  I think they have helped soothe her while teething, and once that is all done, we will say goodbye to the pacis.  I have heard several ideas on how we can do that, I just need to decide what's best for Abby.

She is almost potty trained.  She will sit and peepee on her potty.  She knows she gets a treat for pottying. And no treat when she does nothing.  She loves to celebrate her pottying and is a big fan of streaking through the house to tell you so!  I feel that very soon we will be done with diapers and into panties.  Its one last bit of babyhood that I'm holding on to.

She is very vocal.  She loves to talk to you.  She carries on conversations with you.  She can tell you things about her day, her friends, events that have happened.  She can count to 10.  She can say the ABC's.  She knows nursery rhymes.  She uses sentences. 

She sleeps well.  She goes down to bed easily at night.  I think forming a routine has helped.  She mostly sleeps through the night.  Sometimes, if she hasn't felt well, she will wake up and need to be held for a minute before going back down.  She always gets up with a smile on her face.  Its nice to hear her babbling on the monitor on the days we don't have to get up early.

She loves her brother.  She thinks he is the best playmate.  They enjoy playing soccer.  They play hide and seek.  They read books and play computer games. I love watching their relationship flourish and grow.  She doesn't understand why he isn't there sometimes.  It doesn't seem to bother her yet, but I know there will come a time when it hurts her.

Shes come a long way in 730 days.  She is still a joy and I love her with all my heart.  I am thankful for having her in my life and amazed every day that I made her.  She is my blessing and miracle.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween

I had a hard time deciding what Abby should be for Halloween.  I'm sure she would be fine with anything, but I wanted it to be something that fit her.  I loved the idea of her being Cookie Monster, but she's not big in Sesame Street yet, and I was afraid that she wouldn't want to wear the cookie monster hood, making her then just a blue blob.  (I also was concerned about the temperature, because it has been known to be hot on halloween).

I thought about making her a cat.  She loves cats.  But I didn't like any of the cat costumes I saw. 

She recently has become interested in watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She asks for "Minnie Mouse".  So it seemed fitting to dress her as minnie mouse.

She did great wanting to wear the costume.  She even knew she had to keep the ears on.  We practiced for weeks to say Trick or Treat.

She got good experience the day before at Daycare.  They did a dress up day and trick or treated from classroom to classroom.  She seemed to enjoy it and was ready for Halloween.

We got dressed in the costume a little early.  I was afraid it would be on too long and she would want to take it off before we even got to Brown Avenue, but she did great. We had to dress in layers because it was chilly.  But she didn't seem to mind the extras. 

We started at First Baptist, trunk or treat.  It was more for show and tell than for candy getting.  Shirley had a great time taking her from car to car, showing her off. She enjoyed riding the train around the parking lot.  I was impressed that she patiently waited her turn.  Then she got on with no problems and rode around without a peep.

We walked up Brown Avenue to a few houses.  I wasn't going to bother going to all of them.  I just wanted the people who know her to see her.  She was very shy, but smiled and seemed to enjoy it.

She loved getting candy in her pumpkin and enjoyed eating it at the end of the night. Joejee also enjoyed eating the candy that she got. 

Its fun watching her grow and enjoy these holiday events more.  Its making me very excited for Christmas.

Monday, October 13, 2014


Every year, the rowing alumni plans a weekend to get together.  Last year, after the Georgia game was a disaster with Abby, I opted out.  But this year, I was determined to go, and show her off.

I worried leading up to the day that she wouldn't be able to handle it.  Its a long day for anyone, and I couldn't imagine how it would be for a toddler.  The game was a 3:30, so that meant she probably wouldn't take a nap.

She did sleep some on the ride there.  It took us just under an hour to get there, so she did get some sleep in.  Thankfully this year, the weather was nicer to us.  It was cool and breezy.  We were able to get by with pants and long sleeves and be comfortable.

Abby learned quickly where all the sweet snacks were at the tailgate.  She ate more cookies, cupcakes, and brownies that day, but she was being content, so I let it go.

She travelled well from tailgate to tailgate.  She looked so cute in her cheerleader outfit.  She got many comments from many fans.

I was worried that she wouldn't like the noise in the stadium.  But, she did very well.  She even started to dance to the music of the band.  She would clap along and jump up and down.

I could tell she was tired, but she was holding on.  She would put her head down every once in a while, but the noise would start up and she would perk up.

We ended up leaving around 8, and she was asleep before we even got off campus. 

I couldn't have been happier at how good she was and how easy she made it.  Joejee was also there to help and that made it easier too.  Abby really enjoyed having Bubbie along for the adventure.

It makes me thankful that I have the ability to do something like this.  It isn't that far for us so its easy to get up and go.  And we have many friends who are there, so we can spend the day travelling around and not feel tied down to one place.

I'm already looking forward to next year!


We have been doing so good about not getting sick.  But, its getting to be that time of year.

Two of Abby's classmates had been out, so I knew something was up.  And we would most likely catch it.

And, we did. 

I got a call Friday morning that Abby wasn't well and I needed to come get her.  They said she was fussy and had several sores in her mouth.


So I knew it was probably Hand, Foot, and Mouth. 

I left work.  Called the pediatrician on the way and left a message, wanting to know does she need to come in, or what should we do.

I have to say that I'm very pleased with the pediatricians office.  They are always very good about returning your phone calls.  It takes me 20 minutes to get from work to the daycare and she called me back before I got there.

She told me, it sounded like HFM, and at that point there wasn't anything we could do except let it run its course.  Since the blisters had already shown up, the virus was out of her system.  We just needed to make sure she was drinking and wetting.  She could have ibuprofen as needed for discomfort. 

I picked Abby up and she seemed herself.  She was excited to be going home with Mommy.  She had been drooling a lot, but she's cutting her eye teeth, so I suspected that's what it was.  I never looked around her gums, but sure enough there were several red spots. She was a little warm, but no fever.

She ate lunch at home and took a good nap.  She was peppy and perky the rest of the weekend.  She didn't show any signs of blisters on her hands or feet.  Although they say it could take a few days to appear, so I keep checking. 

She didn't like eating her pizza or ketchup, but everything else seemed ok to her.  She did show me she had a new ulcer on the side of her mouth.  I encouraged her to drink her milk to soothe it and try to chew on the other side.

Its just one more thing we can mark off that we've gotten.  And that we've survived.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Biological Warfare

Gene and I were at an event Saturday night.  A friend of ours came up to talk to us.  We are in several  circles together, we see each other often, we've even vacationed together.  But, we aren't BFF's, but good friends. 

He, of course, thinks Abby is an angel.  And asks about her all the time.  So he asked when we were going to have another one. I tell him we seem kinda busy with the two that we have.  He then tries to say that doesn't count.  Abby needs a sibling.  And I tell him, she has one. 

And then he says it...

You need to have another biological child.

***record screeches***

Excuse me?

I look at Gene and he is just as dumbfounded as me.  So he can see I'm upset.  That this man thinks that Joejee isn't MY son. So Gene tries to smooth things over  and he repeats the same thing to Gene. 


Just because Joejee isn't genetically Gene's, he is still his son 100%.  And this educated douchebag should know better.

But wait.. it gets better.

So then he starts joking with us say, "It wasn't that bad was it?"  Suggesting maybe my reasoning for not bearing more children was related to Abby being a bad baby.

At that point Gene walked away.  Making an excuse for something.  Just to get away.  I needed to too.

No, Abby was not a terrible baby.  But getting there was a terrible experience.  One I'm not willing to do again.  Or even get on and "see what happens".  And there are several other reasons on why we are choosing not to have more.  And it's none of anyones business. 

I know his wife would be appalled if she knew what she said.  She couldn't have biological children herself.  They went down the fertility road, but never went past the front gate because it was decided that her step children were enough for her.  I know this because she's shared it openly with a group of women years ago. 

Not many friends know of our struggles, and that's something that will change as time goes on.  Those wounds are healing, so I'm getting more comfortable with sharing. But it still hurts to be reminded of it.

Accidental Poop

We are in the beginning phases of potty training.  I think she is really ready, but I'm having a hard time finding a weekend where we can commit to it.  I think she will be quick, but I want the freedom to not have a commitment at all to deter us.

But, we practice on the potty a lot.  She knows she gets a treat if she pee pees.  And she is learning that she doesn't get the treat if she doesn't pee pee.  Before and after bath, we practice on the potty.  Sometimes she goes, sometimes she just plays.  Tuesday was a play day.  Before the bath, no success.  After the bath, she was a little more focused.  I could tell she was trying hard.  She would bear down and then pop up and exclaim she pee peed, only to show me an empty potty.

Then it happened....

I could see her pushing hard and I heard it.  She popped up and looked at the potty.  What she saw was frightening to her.  But I was overly excited.  Abby pooped in the potty!  And, she had no idea what that brown stuff was.  She was genuinely scared of it.  But I continued to do the potty dance and get excited.  I told her she gets two treats (M&M's) for going poopy on the potty.  She gladly took those without further question.

I thought about it after she went to bed.  Why would she be scared of poop?  I realized, she had never seen it before.  She poops in her diaper.  We lay her down, clean up her bum, and toss the diaper away.  We don't show her the poop.  She's never played with her poop (knock on wood).  So I guess I would be startled too if I saw a little brown squishy thing in the potty when I was expecting liquid. 

I'm hoping she won't be scared it anymore and this will make potty training even easier.

Thursday, September 11, 2014


The other night Abby and I were hanging out.  All of a sudden she starts screeching "eeeee"  "eeeeee"

"Mad-son.. eee.. eee.."

I asked her, "Madison says eeee? 

And she repeats herself.

So I ask again... "Does Madison say eeee?

And she shook her head yes and made the awful sound again.

Ok kid.. you're just weird.

So when I dropped her off the next morning, I asked about it.  The topic came up and I took the opportunity to clear things up.  They told me that Madison does screech when she sees her cousins get off the after school bus.  She doesn't do it any other time, but she does it every time she sees them.

I couldn't believe Abby was telling me a true story.  It seemed really strange, but I was impressed that she remembered something.  Or that she could tell me about something that occurred that day. 

I guess I need to start paying more attention to the things she says!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Can't really complain

We have seem to fallen in to a well oiled routine.  Days come and go, and when I look back, its hard to believe so much time has passed.

I'm continually amazed at how much Abby changes day to day.  Her vocabulary is becoming more and more diverse.  She is making sentences.  She can communicate.  We can communicate.  Its still difficult at times, but I'm learning to speak toddlerese as she is learning to speak English. She asks for hugs which I will always stop what I'm doing to give because I want her to always to want to give them to me.

She is full of life.  She loves to imitate things.  She makes animal sounds.  She dances to music, or when she sees dancing on tv.  She plays with her toys and is creative.  She loves to read books.  Lots and lots of books.

She is learning to follow commands.  She knows how to clean up.  Her chore is to help get Woody food.  She loves to place his bowl on the ground.  She knows dirty cups and plates go in the dishwasher. 

She is beginning to show interest in the potty.  Most of the time she can sit on the potty and go.  I've started to reward going potty with M&M's.  I just got a new box of diapers, so when this one gets near the end, I might think about going cold turkey and potty train! :/

She still is a good eater.  Although her tastes change from day to day.  Last week she couldn't get enough yogurt.  This week, she won't touch it.  But she loves toast with jelly. She still loves green beans.  And cookies.  She is a cookie monster.  Although she is learning that you can't have all the cookies you want.  I do know that when she asks to give Woody a cookie, that she expects to get one too!  Sometimes its ok to spoil your dinner, right?!?!

And, knock on wood, she is a great sleeper.  Because its starting to get dark earlier, or she is getting more worn out, bedtime has crept back up to 8:15, and slowly moving closer to 8:00.  (Which I really enjoy!) She has had no problems collecting her loveys, saying good night, and going to bed.  She might roll around in the bed for a while, but she never says a peep.  Very rarely does she wake at night, and then it just takes a paci to put her back to sleep.  We've also found giving her some extra time to wake up in the morning also helps her mood. She enjoys hanging out in the bed with Daddy watching "artoons" like a big girl.

Its not perfect all the time.  We don't live in Utopia.  She is becoming comfortable with the terrible twos.  She can have a fit.  And its usually over nonsense.  Its funny to watch her collapse on the floor or shed tear after crocodile tear.  She knows what time out is and sometimes when she's upset she will go to time out on her own.  We hug it out afterward and she goes on with her day like nothing has changed.

Being a parent it amazing.  Its not always easy, and its not always fun, but I'll take it. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Full House

Last week I got a call from Grammy.  Really random and quite alarming.  Grammy never calls me.. first thought was I hope everything is ok.

Grammy asks how things are and how things are going.  I've just taken Abby out of the bath so we are buck naked in her room.  She asks me what I'm doing for Labor Day weekend (which is the next weekend).  I tell her Mom and Dad are coming.  We plan on swimming in the pool and watching football.  I ask her what she's doing.  She asks me is its ok for her and Uncle Tim to come for a visit.

I'm floored!  Of course its ok!  I'm never going to tell Grammy she can't come. 

Her and Tim arrive on Thursday.  After a long drive from Pittsburgh, in a car with no air conditioning. They are frazzled, but glad to be here.

Mom and Dad arrive Friday evening, and my house is full. 

Its a heartwarming feeling knowing having generations of family in your house.

Abby completely loved having everyone spoil her for the weekend.  She loved playing with Gam-my and Uncle Bimbo (Timbo). Nina and Dodah were a big hit too.

We watched football.  We took a boat ride. We ate birthday cake.  We had a good time.

Abby has gotten to see her great grandmother three times this year.  That's more than I've ever gotten.  I'm so glad she gets to be a part of Abby's life.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Mooo-ving up!

Today is the first day of school.  JJ starts the 8th grade.. yes 8.  The last year of middle school.  Next year is going to be very exciting.

Abby has moved up as well.  Across the hall, to a new classroom.  The older toddler class.  They've created this year because there is a small group that just don't seem to fit in anywhere.  There are 5 kids in her class (including her).  The four girls are all within 2 weeks of each other (three of them have been together since they were babies), and the one boy is just two months older. Her teachers Ms Missy, and Ms Kelly, are coming across the hall with them.

I am very excited for this year.  It seems like there is more structured activities.  They will do "work".

Abby is very eager to learn and it excites me that they are accommodating that.  I know many centers that would just continue to bunch the toddlers together and let them just play all day.  There is such a big difference in development throughout the toddler years, I'm glad its being recognized, and she being rewarded!

Her new classroom has a farm theme.  Abby loves farm animals (am-mals).  Today she wore her John Deere Tractor smock dress.  I found it fitting.  Its a little much for school wear, or at least this time of year when they are still on the playground.  But, I couldn't turn down the opportunity to make her look cute on her first day.  I'm probably making too big of a deal out of it, but I'm only going to do this once, so I might as well go all out!


Monday, August 11, 2014


Abby is in a very single minded state right now.  Everything is "mine". 

Woody's toy--- Mine

That chair--- mine

That thing you are eating---mine

The cutest so far is yesterday morning, she was laying in the bed with me and Gene.  She was between us and he put his around across and was holding my hand.  She grabbed his hand and threw it off of mine and said "No Daddy, my Mommy".  Then she took my hand and held it close to her with both hers.

I know this is a temporary thing.  Like all the other things she does, it will be a phase and she will grow out of it.  (We hope.)  It takes patience from us all to help her understand that not all things are hers.  She gets very upset when Woody plays with his toys, and then he gets very upset with her when she takes the toy from him.  She gets upset if you take away her plate, even when she said she was all done. 

Its very hard sometimes, deciding what to do and how to soothe her.  I don't always want to give in, even though most of the time I know I can calm down the crying instantly by giving in to her.  But I don't always want to leave her stranded and confused.  I feel like there is a very delicate line and I often feel like I'm swerving too far to one side and then the other. 

I don't really know the correct balance.  It doesn't appear that there is a correct balance. Just trial and error.  Which is all parenting is right?!?!

Table for Zero

Going out to eat has become a hassle.  Its not enjoyable, mostly for me.

Abby doesn't want to sit in the high chair.  Abby doesn't want to wait for food.  Abby wants to drink your drink.  Abby wants to play with the knife.  Abby wants to eat the napkin.  Abby wants to watch Barney.  Abby wants to.....

Its just so stressful.  And embarrassing.  She isn't loud, but its constant.  And I feel like I don't get a break.  And when its with friends, its even more exhausting.  I don't feel like I get to talk to them at all.  I feel embarrassed that they have to deal with her too.  And they don't often mind, or even notice.  And when we don't bring her along, they want to know where she is and they say they miss her.

Gene does his best to help out, but Abby is so clingy to me that is efforts usually don't last long.

Its just not fun anymore.  We don't go out much now, but I see that going down to never really soon.  Or at least trying to make it as avoidable as possible. 

Friday, August 8, 2014

Stretching out

Abby is outgrowing all of her clothes.  Which is a good thing!  But, its also a bad thing.  Most of the next size up is fall/winter things.  And, its too hot to wear those right now.

This morning, I put on a cute top and skirt on her.  Her belly was hanging out of the shirt.  Nope, can't wear this anymore! 

So I put on a little dress.  Its a wee bit short on the backside, but it will have to do.

I don't know what I'm going to do for the next few weeks.  It won't cool off till at least the end of September. 

And I'm also worried that she won't make it through the winter on the things we have bought. 

She's just crossing over to fit into 18 month size things (at 21 months!).  But she's pushing the edge of that height limitation already.  I don't want her to be wearing high waters come February, but there is no way 24 months or 2t things will stay around her waist.  One of the 18 month pairs we recently bought I had to cinch the tabs all the way in, just to hold it up on her waist!

I have no idea what I'm going to do.  I just want my baby to stop growing up so fast!

(To which she would say... "No Mommy!)

Monday, August 4, 2014


Abby has discovered that Woody has his own treat jar.  And that he will do things to get treats. 

So she has started begging to give him treats.

We will take a few out of the jar.  She will look at him and say "beak".  Which is Speak in Abby talk.  He kinda stares at her until I flick my finger and then he barks.  But, by this time, she has already shoved the treat in his mouth. 

She giggles with delight when he does it.  And we repeat.  And then we repeat again.  And then the tears and screams come when I say we are all done.  Too many treats make Woody sick, and Abby just doesn't understand.  (But mom, there are lots there in that jar!)

Its so amazing to see her connect two things.  She did this all on her own.  She saw me do it once, and then she's all over it.

She's smart.  We need to watch out!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Sit Back, Fatback

This year we decided to take our summer vacation in Washington, DC.  Its something we've always told JJ we would do, and now seemed like the right time.

The thought of trying to keep up with Abby on a beach just seemed exhausting, and we beached earlier this year and thought we were beached out.

Day one of DC vacation, I was second guessing my reasons.  But, I made the best of it and had a great time despite the lack of relaxation.

We saw as many things as one could see in a week, hitting all the major spots.  And, Abby hung in there like a champ.  She did not get one formal nap for a week.  She often napped in the stroller, only after finally succumbing to exhaustion.  It was usually on a transition from one place to another and the scenery wasn't much to look at. 

She pleasantly slept through the nights while sharing our room. (Only because JJ refused to share the living room space with her).  She also slept in every day, allowing for us to catch up on our exhaustion.

She playfully enjoyed all the exhibits in the museums, but her favorite was riding the carousel outside of the Smithsonian Castle.  The minute we got our tickets and stood in line, she was in awe.  She gladly sat on a horse, got strapped on, and held on.  Once it started moving, I thought she would panic, but she didn't.  Her face lit up.  She smiled bigger and bigger, the more it went round and round.  And then it started to slow, and I could anticipate what was going to happen.  Finally the ride stopped and we had to get off. 

And she cried.

And she cried.

And she cried.

Oh my, it broke my heart.  She did not understand we couldn't ride it forever.  But the video we have of her riding it will always be a good back up.

I was anxious about how well she would travel.  She's done distance before, but nothing of this magnitude in a while.  She doesn't sleep as much in the car as she use to.  Heading up, we split the trip in half so it wasn't too bad on anyone.  But coming home, it was a straight 9 hours.  She did really well.  She slept a lot.  And looked out the window a lot.  She liked riding in Gene's truck because she can see out better.  She would wake when we stopped for gas or lunch.  She got a little fussy asking to play the ipad. 

She only likes to press the home button on the ipad, so its not very fun for anyone else who has to keep taking it from her in order to keep her from messing it up.  I tried using Guided Access, but it managed to get locked on a barney movie, and then not work at all.

Overall, it turned out much better than I thought it would.  Everyone had fun, everyone learned something.  It certainly wasn't just rest and relaxation, but there are plenty of other days for that.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Blow Out

It's been a tough few days.  The stomach bug has gotten Abby.

It started Wednesday.  I got a text that she threw up during nap time and needed to get picked up.  Gene went and got her and took her home.  She seemed fine and dandy.  She played outside, we went to dinner. All was good.

Thursday they came to visit me (since she couldn't go back to daycare).  Again, feeling fine and dandy.

Friday, she has an epic blowout in the night.  Both sets of sheets on the bed are a mess.  She didn't make a peep about it.  I found it when I went to check on her in the morning. 

The rest of the day she was fine.  She played.  We went to a cookout.  I closely monitored her. But she had fun with all the other kids.

Saturday morning I was alarmed that her overnight diaper wasn't wet.  And I couldn't recall a lot of wet ones on Friday.  As I was waiting for the pediatricians office to open, I heard it.  I heard Abby's poor bottom fall out. 

She looked so pitiful.  I peeked in her diaper and it was a soupy mess.  I took her outside and stripped her down. Got her cleaned up.  30 minutes later, she did it again.  30 minutes later, she did it again.  Then things quieted down.  But the out of now where, she threw up. 


I got her cleaned up.  And we settled down on the couch.  She eventually took a nap.  She didn't feel like eating anything, but she would drink pedialite.  She continued through the afternoon with diarrhea and vomiting.

Sunday she was lethargic.  We both sat in the chair and watched TV for most of the day.  Then somewhere around 2:00, she perked up.  She went over to her high chair and asked to eat.  So we had some toast.  Then she wanted to get down and play.  She seemed to be pepping back up.  But the explosions were still coming.

So, she stayed home Monday from daycare.  The events were now not as frequent, but she was still having loose stools.  She was more and more interested in eating and drinking.  She cried for milk.  I tried to resist, but she begged, so I gave her some.  It seemed like the vomiting had stopped, so maybe dairy was ok.

Then, in the middle of the night Monday, she woke up crying.  I went down to comfort her and noticed she had pooped.  Finally, it was firming up.  It was still messy, but firming!  I've never been so happy to see poop!  But she was still out of daycare for the day.

It turns out that she has passed the bug on to her MaeMae.  I feel really bad that she has it.  And I can hope it passes quickly.  Poppie thought he had it yesterday, so I took him some Gatorade and Pepto.  Hopefully he has shared those with her. 

I'm just trying to keep the rest of us from getting it.  The house cleaner comes today, so everything will get a good disinfecting.  I think Abby is over it, so its good to get it all clean.  We leave for vacation on Friday and I would hate to be stuck in the car for hours with an upset stomach!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Flower Girl

This past weekend was Jerry's wedding.  An event that we've been expecting for several months.  An event that we weren't sure which way things would go.

Last fall Tracie asked me if Abby would like to be a flower girl in the wedding.  I agreed, but only with the understanding that she might not want to participate.  Tracie was ok with that, and said she as ok with anything that happened.

We didn't do much practicing for the day.  We tried in the church, but Abby was too easily distracted.  Plus, the ceremony was going to be in a hotel, so it wouldn't be the same.  We just decided we would wing it and see how things do when the time came.

Well Friday was the rehearsal.  The wedding planner decided that it was ok if Abby and I walk down the aisle together.  She is more than willing to hold my hand and walk with me.

We practiced several times and she didn't have a problem with it at all.

Saturday, we made sure she got a good nap, she was fed.  She got dressed in her pretty green and white lacy dress.  She willingly kept the bow in her hair.

We congregated in the hallway outside the ceremony room.  She was given a basket of flower petals to hold and or scatter.  She loves playing with baskets and putting things in and taking them out.  She didn't understand that now was not the time to take them all out.  She was getting fussy and pissy and wanted me to hold me.  I tried not to pick her up because then I knew she wouldn't want to be put down.  I did the only thing I knew I could to keep her quiet, I stuck in the paci.

She calmed down and its was finally our turn.  She entered the room and she walked down the aisle with me hold my hand and holding her basket.  She smiled at all the people and came with me to the front.  We stopped in our spot. 

Then she saw Gene.

"Daddy!!!!"  "Gogee!!!" 

I just let her go to them.  Gene then took her out of the room so she wouldn't disrupt the rest of the ceremony.

She managed to hold it together for some pictures.  Thankfully the photographer didn't want to take very many. 

She sat nicely in the high chair and ate some dinner. 

Then, she discovered the dance floor.  Little bit had a wild time getting her groove on.  She twirled around and around and around for hours! 

She loved the colored lights and the music.

She didn't want to leave!! 

I made sure to bring her PJ's with her because I knew she would crash hard when we got in the car.  And she did.  She slept until 8:30 the next morning!  

It was great to see family and friends we hadn't seen in a long time.  Grammy got to come.  It was good for her to see how grown up Abby is getting. Its a shame that we only get together for weddings and funerals.  And those don't happen very often.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Your first is still your favorite

Dog was the first word.  Woody was the first personalized word.  Its only fitting that Abby still loves dogs, and animals of all types.

She goes nuts over a dog.  Giggly, happy, squealing, excitement for a dog, cat, or some other animal creature.

Its nature, afterall, Gene is an animal lover, so is Shirley.

Pet commericals make Abby the happiest.  Petsmart, or Petco get a squeal or two.  But the ASPCA and animal rescue commericals win her over.

Its at least a minute of pure happiness for Abby.  "Dog" "Dog" "Kittie""Meow""Dog"" Woof"

Its so hard to watch her be excited because you know the commerical is suppose to be sad. She doesn't know the dogs and cats are homeless and or in poor health.  She's just so excited to see an animal.

Its precious.  And its one of those things I want to keep in my mind forever.  (Or least on video, if I can remember to do it). 

Monday, June 9, 2014


I'm not really sure what she says, the best we can come up with is "Bo-Coo".  Which means peanut butter. She will stand at the counter and beg for a spoon. (Or she will try to open the drawer herself and reach blindly for one!)  Once she has a spoon, she turns around to the other counter and begs for Bo Coo. 

She would like you to dip her spoon in the peanut butter.

She could eat the entire jar of PB, if we let her.  But we have limits. Although we often let her do it well past when we should stop.  Just because it gets her so excited, and PB isn't really that bad for you.  (Both Gene and I love it, so its hard to stop for us too!).

We are working on the real word.  It has many syllables, so its quite complex for her vocabulary.  But she's trying.  She uses so many more words now.  And babbles most all the time.

She's also learning to use words in context.  She knows eat means shes hungry and she will ask to sit in her high chair and "eat" when its dinner time. She also knows snack and will go digging in the cabinet looking for the perfect treasure to munch on.

She knows ride and knows that means you go somewhere in something other than the car.  She loves the Gator, and recently she's taken to rides in the wagon.  She will ask to go "ousside and ride".

She knows to kick her legs while swimming and says "kick kick kick".  She's become so much more comfortable on the water, sometimes its hard to get her out.  She knows she needs to move her arms (scoopers) and her legs (kickers) to get anywhere.

She knows sock and shoes go on your feet.  And she knows where her shoes are kept so she disappears into her room to reappear with a different pair of shoes for you to put on. She smiles are you and says "Sues on".

She knows her lovies.  She asks for Mimi and blanket. (Often the pronunciation is on the Ket part of blanket.)  She knows to ask her pappy, and lord help you if you don't have one.  "My pappy mommy.. my pappy!"  She uses the time between day care and home every night as her own downtime.  She often sits quietly in the back seat, sucking on pappy, just taking a moment to rest. 

She finally grasped that Poppie is Poppie and not Maemae.  And she has taken to Poppie much like he's taken to her.  I don't believe there is anything she could ever do that he would think no wrong about.  She is wrapped around him.  Its precious to see.  I enjoy watching there interaction. 

She thinks movement is call "see-saw".  She will sit in her rocker and sing see saw to herself.  The playground at daycare has a see saw that the kids (or maybe just Abby), love to play on.  I often she her run to it in the mornings and see- saw with her friend Brice.  (Brice is twice her size, so there isn't much seeing or sawing). 

She know Bye Bye and what bye bye means.  Although its often said once the person is gone and can't hear her.  When we leave in the morning, I often hear "Bye bye dada" as we pull away.  She makes sure to say Bye to her friends each day as we leave, even if they aren't still on the playground.

There is still a ways to go.  We still have a lot of grunts and groans, squeals and screams, but she is a sponge and is absorbing and learning so quick, that I know it won't be too long before she can express herself to her fullest.

Monday, May 12, 2014

And... here we go again.

It started my Mother's Day off like any good mother should, getting thrown up on by your child and then staying awake while you watch the fever come down, or any more signs of vomit.

It happened... again.

5 times now.

But this time, we were prepared.  I had the Prednisone ready.  And I was on the way to the kitchen with Abby to get it when she ralphed all down my back and then all down her front.

103 was the temp this time.

I loaded the syringe with pink juice and squirted it little by little in her mouth.  The whole time she's whimpering and crying.  I then give her some Motrin to help with the fever.  I strip her down on the kitchen counter.  I strip myself down.  I toss our clothes into the laundry room.

I change her diaper and give her fresh, clean, wonderful smelling, pajamas.  I take her upstairs to lay with Gene (who has hurt his back and can't get out of bed without help) while I clean up the floor and start the washer. 

I return upstairs and scoop her up. She's is fighting sleep.  We cuddle up in the chair and I turn the tv on.  For the next two hours, I watch her.  She wiggles to get comfy, but never once whimpers anymore.  She seems mellow.  We finally both get in a position were we can sleep.  I catch an hour or so.  Gene then convinces me to come lay in the bed.  I agree because I'm so uncomfortable.

I take her temperature before we settle in.  Its 97.9.  It's working.  Or something is working.  The Motrin usually doesn't bring it down that far, that fast.  I continue to pray that the steroid does what its suppose to do because I don't know what to do if it doesn't.

Eventually, everyone gets uncomfortable in the bed and we get up.  Abby jumps right up.  Giggles and plays in the bed.  She wants to get down and run around.  She shows signs she's hungry so I let her have a few mini pancakes. I start with just two (normally she would eat 3 maybe 4).  She shoved all of those in her mouth and then asked for more. There was only 3 left in the bag so I gave them to her, thinking she probably wouldn't eat them all.  But almost instantly, they were gone.  That is not normal with her fevers.  It usually takes her several days to get back to eating like that! 

I patiently waited for the Motrin to wear off.  We hit the 5 hour mark, usually the point where it starts coming back. So far her temp is still normal, 98.5.  The six, seven, eight hour marks come and go with no change. 

We head to the Cobb's for lunch.  Abby is content running around.  Looking for cats, dogs, and soccer balls.  She eats some lunch, but not much because there are things to go see and do.  I keep an eye on her temp.  It starts to raise slightly (100.0) so I dose her with Motrin.  I;m too worried its going to get high again. We'd also been playing in the pool and the sun, so I don't know if she was just hot from that.  I would hope not, but I've never checked my temperature in a situation like that. So now we continue to wait.

I'm worried it will be a long night, but I'm exhausted.  She goes to bed with no problem and so do I.  Around 4:00 she starts crying.  I usually let it go and she can soothe herself back to sleep, but I was paranoid so I went to check her.  She wasn't in real distress.  She raised her arms to be picked up.  She felt warm, so I took her temp.  98.2  She was fine.  It had been twelve hours since the Motrin.  She just needed some love.  We rocked and cuddle in her room till she was back asleep.  I put her down and went back to bed myself.

She was up on her own today.  I heard her crying while I was getting ready so I went to check.  Again, paranoid!  She was standing at the side of her crib, just ready to get out.  I picked her up.  She didn't feel warm, but I checked her temp just in case.  Still normal 98.4 

She ate some breakfast. And off to school we went.  She was delighted to see her friends and to be playing outside first thing.  I watched her from the car for a while.  She toddled around like all the other kids were. She went up and down the slide and climb into the playhouse all by herself. 

I've put in a call to the pediatrician.  To notify them on what happened, and to know what to do next.  It seemed like the prednisone did the right thing.  I just hate that this keeps happening.  For one thing, if it is teeth, this should be the last one for a while.  We still have canines to go, but hopefully we should get a break before those come in. And hopefully those will be like the other teeth and not cause any problems.

I guess my Mother's Day was meant to be spent doing what a mom should.  No day of rest for me. 

Friday, May 9, 2014

Periodic Fever Syndrome

They took more blood yesterday.  Just two tubes this time.  They called this morning with the results. (Which I didn't think we would know anything till Monday).

The nurse explained that the inflammatory markers has returned to normal.  That's what we'd hoped to see.  She said this is mostly likely Periodic Fever Syndrome. 

Young children will spike a high fever, with no other symptoms, for 48-72 hours, and then be fine. 

This diagnosis doesn't surprise me.  This is what google told me it probably was.  This is what Dr. Hart thought it might be.  This just confirms this.

So the plan is, next time the fever appears, take a dose of Prednisone and record the temps for 24 hours. The hope is the steroid eliminates the fever.

Lets hope it works.  I would really hope to not have another fever for a while.  4 back to back is rough.  Google says it can happen as frequently as every 2 weeks.  I don't know how many cycles you can go through.

I still think its ironic that it occurs with teething.  But I'm not confident it is occurring with teething.  Its so harder to tell with the molars.  I don't feel anything on the other side.  I saw a small spot 2 weeks ago, but she won't let me look in there now. I really don't feel like its teething, given how high it can get.  And, that she throws up.

I just hope it all resolves soon, and never comes back!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

She's just like me

There is no doubt... that Abby is my child.  She's just like me.

Swimming lessons didn't go "swimmingly"

She didn't object to being there.  She didn't have a problem in the pool.  But she clung to me like her life depended on it.  She participated.  She let me kick her arms and legs.  But, she whimpered the entire time and shyly hid her face.

That's me.  To a T.

I've always been slightly afraid to try new things.  I'm hesitant but if able to go at my own speed, I'm ok.  We took each part of the lesson slowly.  I don't want to completely freak her out.  She hated being splashed in the face by the big boy next to us, but she loved it when I blew bubbles in the water.

She was similar last week with getting blood drawn.  I knew she didn't want to do it, but she didn't fight it.  She knew that there wasn't any choice but to get through it.  And in the end... its really not all that bad.

As an adult, I'm trying to not be a shy about things.  Especially now that I have a child that is showing the same personality. 

It will be hard to shed the wallflower persona.  Its really what defines me.  Its also Gene.  We are the perfect pair of wall flowers.  And we created the ultimate wallflower.

Except, I don't want Abby to miss out things because of it.  I look back at my life and there are so many times I wish I would have done or said something, but I was too shy and I missed out.

Abby doesn't need those regrets.  Life is too short.

Monday, May 5, 2014


  One and half years... 18 months...  78 weeks... 546 days... 13,104 hours... 786,240 minutes old.

And I wouldn't change a single one of them.

I can't believe its already that time.  You are no longer a baby, you are a little girl. It amazing to see how your features and personality have grown and changed.

You are a "hefty" 20 pounds!  Wow... finally to the big 2-0.  You still can wear some 9 month things, and mostly 12 month things.  You do have some 12-18 month things, but there is some room to those.  It all depends on the brand as to how they fit (get use to that, its like that for the rest of your life!).  You still are in a size 3 diaper.  You will probably be in those till your are potty trained (which isn't too far from now!)

You love to eat.  We often find you in the kitchen with your hand stuck in the cabinet, looking for a snack. But, you've always been a snacker.  Cookies are your favorite food.  Especially Oreo's.  You also love cheese, green beans, pizza, spaghetti, pancakes, cereal bars, gold fish, peanut butter crackers, PB&J, french fries, and chocolate candy!  (Thanks easter bunny)

You're vocabulary has exploded.  It doesn't take you long to hear a word and then repeat it. It always surprises me when I hear you say something that I haven't taught you.  You know who your family is, you can say Mama, Dada, Gogee, MaeMae, and Nana.  (We are still working on Poppie (you call him MaeMae as well) and Do-dah).  You know Woody and Smokie.  You know kitty, donkey, bird, duck, fish.  You can say up and down. You can say mine, and NO! You can say and sign, More, Please, and All Done.  

Your favorite place to be is outside.  You stand at the door and beg to go.. ousside.  You love to run around and investigate things.  We moved the swing over so we can sit in the shade while you play in the rocks.  You cry when its time to go in and you cry if we go out and go straight to the car.  I love that you love to be outside and I hope that never changes.

These past few weeks have been tough because you've gotten sick so much.  I can only hope that this summer we can get ride of all the bugs and stay healthy for a while.  I think the sickness could be related to teething.  You know have 10 visible teeth, and two that I think are coming in soon.  You love to use your chompers. 

You have developed a bit of a personality for throwing and epic tantrum if you do not get your way.  You get very, very upset.  You try to hit and bite anyone or anything.  We've been working on these feelings and what's appropriate responses.  Its the hitting and the biting that bothers me.  I do not want you to hit or bite anyone else.  I understand that you do not understand, and most of the time you are upset at me.  Most people think you are the happiest child ever.  But after asking for cookies for the millionth time before bed, an epic tantrum is the only acceptable way to end the evening.  I know we will work through these moments, and a lot of them depend on your mood, my mood, and what's gone on that day.  I try to keep an open mind, and also keep my patience.  Parenting is not the easiest task in the world.

You continue to sleep well.  When you are ready, you are easy to put to bed.  We just follow your cues and most nights you are in bed between 7:30 and 8:00.  You sleep for a nice long 12 hours and you wake up most mornings happy and smiling.

We start swimming lessons tomorrow.  I'm excited to take you.  I loved to swim as a child.  You certainly have plenty of opportunities to do it. MaeMae is always proud to have someone come swim in her pool.  You haven't enjoyed having water on your face in the pool, so we will see how this goes.  I just want you to feel comfortable around the water and excited to get in it.

I can't believe how much time has already passed.  Each day I want to bottle up and hold on to it forever. 

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Now we wait

Abby's recent fever spike had me concerned.  She kept putting her fingers in her ears and rubbing her neck.  So I scheduled an appointment with the pedi... stat.

It's the same routine... high fever 103-104-105. Relieved with ibuprofen for a while, then it shoots back up.  She's fine when its down, but when its up she just whimpers and writhes around in your arms.  This is the fourth time in seven weeks.

The pedi immediately said her ears, nose, throat were all clear.  We've been down this road before, so we know urine and finger stick will be normal.  He wanted to do more testing.  Just to rule out things. 

My heart started to beat faster, and my mind raced.  He explained that he didn't think it was serious, possibly an inflammatory disorder.  But we wouldn't know anything without further testing.

He wanted a chest x ray, to make sure it wasn't pneumonia, or something else brewing in the chest.  And a full blood panel.  Yikes.  I knew this wasn't going to be good.  JJ had come with us, so I was glad to have some help.

We started with the xray.  JJ had to wait outside, which I had already explained to him might happen.  They had me lay Abby on the table on her back first.  I covered myself in the lead vest and held her arms and legs down.  Then they rolled her on her side and I held her again.  The entire time, she's crying, but not wriggling to get out of my hold.  It only took a few minutes and it was done.

Next we headed over to the lab.   The tech took a while getting set up.  I could tell she was preparing for battle.  I had no idea how this would go, but I was imaging the worst.  They told me I could bring Abby back and lay her on the table.  She didn't like this at all.  She doesn't even like being laid down in the bed at night, so I knew that would be the first battle.  I held her down, and again, she wasn't fighting me, just crying hysterically.  Another tech held her arm down. 

3-2-1 and it was in.  The crying got louder and more hysterical.  I fought back my own tears.  I know how much discomfort she's in.  I hate it!  I hate it when its myself, I hated it even more to see my baby go through it. 

She continued to lay still.  They took enough for four tubes. When it was all over I scooped her up and hugged her tight.  She buried her head in my shoulder and whimpered.  She stopped crying relatively soon, but continued to sniff and hick up. 

We got loaded in the car and headed home.  I could tell the medicine was wearing off, she was starting to get hot again.  By the time we got home, she was lethargic.  I knew it had been a long day.  She hadn't napped at all.  She had just been through a serious traumatic experience.  She cuddled in my arms for a while.  And then like clockwork, the medicine had kicked in and she was perky again.  She finally went to bed around 9.

She woke up twice.  The second time, just coming to bed with us.  Which is horrible.  She thinks its fun to sleep sideways in the bed.  So we constantly have arms or legs poking us!  The fever didn't spike back up when the advil wore off this morning, although it was still high. 

I'm waiting on the results of the lab work.  He said we should here something by this afternoon.  But since we were so late getting them, it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't hear anything until tomorrow. 

I'm on pins and needles.  I'm trying not to over think it.  I already googled it.  So, I know what to expect.  And like he said, its probably not serious, and hopefully there is a simple solution to this.  Or hopefully and explanation.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Abby is up to 10 teeth.  I knew the last time she got sick.... two weeks ago.  That there was another tooth coming in.  It was the same scenario.... snotty nose, then a high fever a few days later. 

All along, I had been assuming that it was the other top tooth coming in.  But this weekend, I saw that the bottom right molar was all the way in!  I had completely missed it!  I kept feeling for the top, thinking I felt something, but all along it was the bottom tooth.

I had started to doubt myself, because the top tooth wasn't coming in like it should.  But I had just been looking in the wrong place.  She really doesn't like you looking in her mouth these days.  And I can understand why... I'm sure it really hurts.

I also noticed while I had her mouth open, that there is a little bud where the left bottom molar is starting to break through.  That may explain the night time fussiness, and the lack of desire to eat anything.  She wasn't interested in breakfast this morning.  She wasn't running a fever, and I hope she doesn't get one.  We haven't had any issues with a snotty nose, so I don't know what's going on. 

I've been sick since before we left on our trip.  I've had a wicked cough and after Abby's last round of snot, I developed a nasty head cold.  I've been blowing green snot for a week and coughing up junk non stop.  I can just really hope that once all the teeth are in, that we get a nice long break.  I know Abby is ready to be comfy for a while. 

She's gotten 9 new teeth since Christmas.  That's 2 a month.  That's every two weeks!  Bless her heart!

Gone Duck Hunting

This weekend, my parents came up for a visit.  We really didn't have anything planned.  Which is always a hard thing when they come.  I feel like if there isn't anything planned, the time drags on and we just sit around at home.  But this time, it didn't feel like that.

Abby played outside for a while Saturday morning.  Then she went down for a nap around lunch time.  We went and got lunch and brought it home to eat.  After she woke up, we let her eat lunch and then waited on Gene to get home from working.  We decided we were going to feed the ducks at a local pond.

I had never been to the pond, but it has some nice large geese there.  It was well shaded.  I thought it would be great for Abby to do.  Plus, its something I did often with my parents as a child.  We stopped on the way to get a loaf of bread for the ducks.  We only had one slice left at home.  The ducks were lucky to get fresh bread!

Instantly, Abby loved giving the ducks bread.  She also liked eating it herself.  She would politely ask for more please.  Then she would break off a piece for the ducks and then take a bite for herself.  She must have eaten at least three pieces total.  I would try to get her to continue to feed the ducks and not herself. 

She thought it was loads of fun.  She loved seeing the ducks swim away, fly back in for more bread.  She laughed when the chased each other and when they fought.  She also let one duck take the bread completely from her hand.  (I got it on camera, the duck literally eats her hand!!!)  And she didn't say a peep!

She got to ride around on my dad's shoulders.  Just like I did when I was little.  She had fun slapping his head, and messing up his hair.  She made a lot of Ohh's and Ahh's while she was riding.

The weather was beautiful.  It was warm, but not humid.  There was plenty of shade, but just enough sun.  Everyone had a really great time.  I am glad that my parents were able to have this experience with Abby. I hope its something we can continue to do as she gets older.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Woody has been trained, when you ask him to say please (like when you want to give him a treat), he will bark.

We've been working on please and thank you with Abby.  Every time she asks for something, we ask her to say please.  This usually results in Woody saying please, and not Abby.

Yesterday, Abby wanted a cookie.  So we asked her to say please.

Her response...


We were tickled at her ingenuity.  Of course, that's not the response we wanted, but when you think about it... that's the response she knows.  She doesn't know "Say Please"  means say "Please". 

We are hoping to get it on video.  Its one of those memories that we don't ever want to forget.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Again... and again.. and again.

I feel like we are on rinse and repeat...

We went two weeks sick free.  She had been having a snotty, runny nose, but nothing serious.  Then Sunday night (great timing), she spiked a fever.  103+

She went to bed fine, but still woke up with a high fever.  She got to stay home for the day.  She lounged around.  Not eager to do anything.  When I got home and we snuggled on the couch, I had a thought.  I stuck my finger in her mouth and rooted around.


There is was.  A nice sharp edged molar. 

Every tooth has been like this.  Snotty nose, spike a fever, done.  I'm so ready to be done with teething.  She's cut 7 teeth since December. I guess a late start means they all come back to back.  Its just hard because she can't go to daycare with a fever.  Even if its just teething.  Nope, she gets to stay home.  Hopefully, the next three will come quick and we can get a break for a while.

I should say, that she's over all pleasant about the whole teething experience.  Besides the fever, she really doesn't show and discomfort.  She's been wearing the teething necklace for months, so maybe that helps.  I'm not really willing to take it off and find out.  Maybe she's easy going, maybe its the necklace.  I don't know.

I'll be certain to be vigilant about looking for new teeth.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Miss Popular

I've started to notice when I drop Abby off, all the kids flock to her.  I don't know if they all do that when a kid shows up, but they all seem to love my kid.

I also know that they can all say her name.  They all call to her when she shows up. 

Then they all run to each other and give out hugs.

I know Abby can say her name, and one other classmates.  I don't think the other names are any easier to say than hers.  The teachers told me they go around the room and say everyones name each morning.

JJ said she's just popular like he is!

I've created a monster

A cookie monster.

Abby sure can go nuts over a cookies.  Especially when she can't have a cookie.

She knows where the cookies are kept.  She can't get into the cabinet.  (Well, she can if she pulls enough, it will eventually snap open).  She pulls on the door and grunts till you open it.  When you ask her what she wants she immediately points to the Oreo bag and says "cookie".

It's really sweet.  And it's really hard to say no.

But sometimes you have to.  You can't eat a cookie before dinner.  You can't have a cookie for breakfast.  She doesn't understand any of this.  And she will let you know.  The girl can have a tantrum over not having a cookie.

However, when she does get a cookie, she's pretty cute eating her cookie.  She loves to take it apart.  She loves to lick the center out and then chow down on the two pieces.  (We just need to make sure Woody doesn't get to the pieces before she can!) 

She looks ridiculously cute with Oreo crumbs all over her face. 

It does make it so hard to ever say no to the cookie monster.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Good Ridence

I'm so ready for spring.  I'm ready for fresh air and NO GERMS! 

These past two weeks have been awful.  Everyone has been suffering.  I've got sinus problems related to our trip.  JJ's got sinus problems related to swollen adenoids.  Gene's got sinus problems related to seasonal allergies.  And Abby is just getting all kinds of bugs from daycare.

Last week it was a GI bug.  Explosive diarrhea.  Yuck.  Out for a day for it to clear up.  She seemed happy and content.  She ate and drank fine.  She handled it like a champ.  (Me, not so much, that stuff stunk!)

This week.... a mega cold.  A high fever started Monday (103+). Got the call from daycare to come and get her.  That's an automatic 24 hours out.  I immediately called the doctor.  I wasn't going to let daycare shun me this time, I was on top of it!  They were able to see us that afternoon.  The doctor looked in her ears, nose, throat.  All was clear.  He order a finger prick.  Which was hell for Abby and she bleed like crazy.  But that was normal.  So a urine sample was needed.  Which means cathing her.  Which, she didn't like either.  But we made it through and that was normal too.  So, he said to ride it out.  Watch the fever and if it doesn't break or other symptoms appear call back.

She spent most of yesterday moping around.  Not her usual sprite self.  She would have bursts of energy, mostly to go and pet Woody.  (Which she can say Woody now and its so cute!). She ate very little for dinner, but did drink a lot.  She fought going to bed, but at 9:30 I said enough was enough and into the bed she went.  She whimpered a while, but finally fell asleep. 

Her fever was still high last night, so she was unable to go to daycare again today. This morning she woke up feeling warm, so I drowned her with Advil again.  She was interested in something to drink so we started with some water while we waited for Gene to bring home some milk.  We snuggled in the chair, watching the today show.  Her with her sippy of milk and me with my coffee.  I started playing on the ipad.  Then...   bbbbblllllllaaaahhhhh......   

Ugh!  Vomiting.  Yuck!

At least it didn't smell bad.  It was mostly clear, but there was a lot of it.  All over her, all over me.  All over the ipad.  I'm freaking out, she's getting upset.  Gene finally gets to me to help me.  We strip her down. Strip me down.  Toss it all in the laundry and start over. 

I call the nurse line to find out what we should do.  This is a new symptom and the temp hasn't gone down.  After consulting with the doctor, she tells me to wait it out one more day.  Her cold symptoms seem to be progressing.  A snottier, runnier, nose is appearing.  So those are good signs.  Its just taking its sweet time getting there.

She played some this morning.  She was able to eat and drink something and keep it down.  She took a really long nap.  I headed back to work and left her at home with Daddy.  (Who describes himself as an adequate nurse.)

Thankfully I'm already scheduled to be off tomorrow, so if she needs to stay home with me she can.  I might let her do that anyway.  I feel awful that things just keep going around the daycare, but I can understand that its hard for working parents to have the flexibility to take the time off.  I'm starting to question the flexibility I have, but for the moment I'm thankful for it. 

I knew children brought germs, but I never expected it to be like this.  The sporadic illnesses that seem to come at just the wrong time.  It just feels like it we can get over this hump we will be good to go.  (Which I know is not true, and the next cold is just around the corner).  I thank God every day for a healthy child.  I know it could be much, much, worse. 

For now, I will take the snuggles that sickness brings.  I melt every time she sinks her head into my shoulder.  I'm glad she is seeking comfort in me and I'm glad to give her all I can.

Friday, February 28, 2014

15 months

I haven't done an update in a while.  Yesterday was Abby's 15 month check up.  We are really closer to 16 months, but our trip pushed the appointment out a few weeks.

Right now she weighs 19 pounds 7 ounces.  That's up 12 ounces from her sick visit 6 weeks ago.  Her weight is starting to taper off, not gaining the pound a month like she was before.  Her height is 29.25 inches. Up 1.75 inches since her 12 month check.  She's still a little peanut.  Just making it on the scales, although her height to weight ratio is in the 40th percentile.

Don't let her size confuse you.  She loves to eat.  So far, there isn't much she won't eat.  She might not like something one day, but try it again in a few days and she will gobble it up (scrambled eggs!).  She loves pancakes and syrup, avocados, PB&J, green beans, cereal with milk, turkey.  And anything you are eating.  If she sees you eating something, she wants to try it.  And she will also let you know when she wants more of something.  She will stand at the counter and cry because she knows its there and she can't get to it (Valentine's Candy!).

She still is wearing a lot of 9 month clothes.  Although, they are starting to get short.  We are stretching them through the last few weeks of winter and stocking up on 12 month items for spring and summer.  I've packed a lot of the old things away, and it was very sad to see the tiny things put up. 

She's got her mothers determination and her fathers temper.  If she doesn't get her way, she will try, and try, and try, and then have a major meltdown when it doesn't work.  She figured out how to turn on the microwave, so we figured out have to lock it.  She doesn't like that at all.  She will press the buttons and when nothing eventually happens, she will stand in the corner and cry. We are in for a wild ride.

She's become a great sleeper.  She goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 every night.  And sleeps at least 12 hours. We just put her in the bed at night, and she takes it from there.  She might stir a little in the night, but she can get herself back to sleep with no problems.  She's also good with naps, as long as there are no interruptions.  She likes a late morning 2 hour nap.

She's got 7 teeth in her mouth.  4 on top, and 3 on the bottom.  I suspect the other bottom tooth will cut through any day now.  She looks so cute with teeth in her mouth.  I need to make her a dentist appointment so we can start getting them checked!  She loves to chew on her toothbrush and its a great thing to keep her entertained while getting dressed.

Her vocabulary is getting larger.  Mama, Dada, Nana, Maemae, Dog, ball, bird, more, Go Go (Joe Joe, her favorite person), book, kitty, please, ut oh, no.  She can sign for more, and please, although use of them is hit or miss.  When you ask her to say it, she won't do it, but if she really wants something she knows she can't have, she will sign please.  Its really cute, and hard not to reward her.

She's still always got a happy temperament.  Even with the few toddler tantrums we have, she's a relatively happy child.  She's always the life of the party.  She loves to hug, especially little ones like her.  She hugs her classmates everyone at daycare.

Her favorite thing to do is dance.  She's learned to incorporate her arms.  They flail side of side as she moves her legs and bounces her bum.  She will move to just about any music.  She will stop what she's doing to dance.  She also loves her toys that make music.  She knows how they all work, and can press the buttons to turn them on.  She will dance to that music too.

Books have become a favorite.  She likes to sit in your lap and look at books.  She doesn't care much for the story, but she likes to look at the pictures and turn the pages.  I got her a library card so we can check out new books from the library.

The summer is coming.  We are busy into soccer season.  There will be games several nights a week and on the weekends.  She has done so well so far on travelling.  The other mom's like to dote on her, so its easy to take care of her while we are at games. 

I can't believe its already 15 (really almost 16) months.  I'm so impressed on the little human she's become.  I'm so proud of her every day!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Grown Up Time

Last summer some friends of ours invited us to join them on a couples only, adult, all inclusive vacation.  To some place warm and tropical.  We were all in, of course! It sounded heavenly.  I knew it would be hard to be away from Abby, but I put it in the back of my mind.  She would be fine.  She won't remember it, and she does so well being around others.

The time came closer to travel and I began to have a pit in the bottom of my stomach.  It may have been from people asking me how I was going to handle it, it may have been the three days I got to spend at home with her on snow days.  I don't know what it was, but it was beginning to eat me.

The night before we left I didn't sleep.  I tossed and turned.  I cried.  I went to work, suffered through the day.  I didn't eat much.  I knew when we got home, it was time.  I cried on the way home from work. 

I met Abby as the door, with my mom standing there to greet me.  I went over a few last minute things with her.  Abby tugged at my legs to pick her up.  I tried to ignore her, I didn't want her to get attached when it was time for us to go.  I managed to break away from her and make it to the car.  As Gene drove us away and I saw Abby waving in the window, I cried again. 

I knew she would be fine.  I knew I would be fine. We needed the time away.  But I just couldn't get over it.

As the miles past and the closer we got to Atlanta, the more relaxed I got.  Its done, I'm gone.

We met all of our friends at the hotel. It was great to see everyone so happy, so I put on my happy face.  I didn't hide it well because they all could tell I missed her already.  I made it through the first night. We chatted through text at the airport, and of course everything was fine. 

We boarded the plane.  And then we were off.  And it hit me again.  I was leaving my baby.  I wasn't going to be close.  If something happened, I wouldn't be right there.  But there wasn't anything I could do.  I took a few deep breathes and told myself I needed to relax.  She will be ok, I will be ok, I don't need this to ruin the entire week. 

When we arrive at the resort, I immediately linked to the WiFi.  But it wasn't working.  Again, another pit in my stomach.  This was suppose to be my link.  I asked the concierge about it, and they said it should be resolved shortly. 

We met everyone for dinner.  Everyone asked how I was handling it.  (The question I would begin to hate over the week!).  I was very surprised after dinner to find several texts and photos on my phone!  WiFi was restored and this Mama was happy!  I was able to check in, and that made me feel so much better.

We continued to connect throughout the week.  We face timed several times.  That also helped me, a lot.  Abby didn't seem phased that we weren't there.  She was happy and content with Nana and Dodah. I felt my stomach unknot.  The rest of the week was relaxing. 

I was ready to come home.  It only made it worse that we were delayed.  Then it took longer than we realized to get back through customs and back to our car.  It was a long day of travel.  There wasn't anything more I wanted than to see Abby, even at midnight. 

I picked her up from MaeMae and Poppies and took her home.  She was very confused.  She just looked at me.  Didn't make a peep.  She went back to sleep easily.  She woke up a few hours later, looking for her pappy, so I went to help her.  Again, she was confused.  We rocked and cuddled in the chair.  She looked up at me and said " Mama".  I told her yes, it was mama.  I was home.  Again I cried.  I laid her back down and headed back to bed myself.

In the morning, she realized what had happened.  Gene got her up.  He made coffee for me and brought it and her to me in bed.  Her face lit up.  "Mama" "Mama" "Mama" It was blessed happiness for both of us.

I know we will take more adult only trips in the future.  I know it will help me that I've already done it, and survived.  I don't regret leaving her.  She was left in good hands and she had a great time.  I'm thankful for all the support we had in order to be able to get away.  Grandparents are wonderful.

I hope it gets easier in the future.  She will be a little more cognisant of us being gone, so it might be different.  But she's a trooper.  (She gets that from me!)

Its been a while

Things have been busy... I'm forgotten to write.  I always think of it at a time when I can't get to it.

The winter here has been rough.  We've had two snow storms.  Almost back to back (2 weeks apart).  The last one dumped 6 inches at our house.  School was closed most of the week.  Work was closed for most of the week.  We hunkered down in the house, trying to amuse ourselves.

Abby didn't like the snow at all.  I don't think she liked being bundled up and unable to move.  She had so many layers on, that when she would try to walk, she would just fall over.  Sometimes face first into the snow.  That made her mad, and it only went down hill from there.  She did enjoy the sled.  The one time she rode it.  It started to sleet so I took her back inside.  She just looked pitiful and I didn't want to see her unhappy.

It was great to have a few days home with her. She's getting inquisitive, and smart.  She's fun to play with.  She enjoys reading books and dancing to music.  She really enjoyed having Joejee (Go Go) home with her.  (Although he played on his phone a lot!).

I'll be glad to be done with winter and move on to warmer weather.  I even bought Abby some summer clothes this weekend in hopes of higher temps.  I know we are in for a few more weeks of cold, but we will survive.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Snow Day

I wish for it every year, and then when it finally comes, I wish it would go away.  The only reason its stressful is because of work.  They don't ever close the hospital, so you never know if you really need to come in or not.  Living out in the sticks, its always a gamble on if you can get it and how long it might take you.

It snowed yesterday.  They closed schools and daycare at noon.  It started snowing around 2.  I left work at 4:30.  There was already good acculumation on the ground when I got home.  I was eager to get home to have fun with the family.  We all bundled up as soon as I got there and headed outside.

Abby seemed interested at first, and then she changed her mind.  She as a little top heavy from all the hats and coats.  I don't think she liked that.  Every time she tried to take a step, she would lose her balance and fall.  Snow got into her sleeves and her pant legs and that upset her.  That really upset her.  She didn't like the cold one bit. 

I did get the chance to take several pictures.  She was non compliant with smiling, but that just adds to the memory.  I was most proud of getting a new family photo.  I now have one of us in the snow to replace the one of us at the beach this summer. 

Its amazing that that was just 6 months ago.  And in 6 months, it will be just as hot again.  Right now, I'm over winter.  I've seen the snow, so I'm good.  I like the way it looks, and I like being outside in it (for a while), but I don't like the stress is causes on me.  Someday maybe I won't have that problem and I can enjoy the snow.

Monday, January 27, 2014


Last week daycare told me Abby was extra fussy.  They were concerned her ears weren't clearing up.  I hadn't seen any behaviors at home that would give me that impression.  She'd been sleeping and eating well.  She seemed to want her pappy more, but I think that was because we weren't letting her have it.

This weekend I noticed something though.  I noticed she had two new top teeth!  That may explain the fussiness last week.  The teeth were clearly through, so I know they had been there for a few days, which would correlate to the days of fussiness.

She finished the antibiotic on Saturday and I haven't seen any signs of her ears bothering her.  She still has some drainage from her nose and the occasional cough, but everything is so much better than it was.

I can't believe she got more teeth that quick.  I suspect that others may come in rapidly too.  I wasn't looking for top teeth, I thought bottom teeth were next! 

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Big Girl

Yesterday when I picked Abby up at daycare, she was a little squirmy, so I set her down while I talked to her teacher.  We were already in the hallway so when we were done talking, I just turned and started to walk away and Abby followed. 

She walked out with me last night.  She WALKED out with me.  I did pick her up when we got to the door.  But she seemed so big walking beside me.

She's becoming so independent.  And she's so stubborn about it.  (That's thanks to both parents!)

It does go by so fast.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

As a first time mom, I'm a winner

Abby's been sick.  I thought it was little cold.  She had a runny nose, a cough, a low fever (99ish).  I thought it was viral and it would pass.  Just like all the other colds she had. 

I sent her to daycare because it didn't seem like to was too bad.  She seemed a little crabby, but a cold will do that to anyone.

When I picked her up Tuesday, Kelly told me she seemed very upset and wouldn't stop crying.  The only thing that worked to quiet her was the pacifier.  And she knew I didn't want her using it except for naps (although we've gotten really lax on that at home), so she didn't want me to be upset. I didn't have a problem with it.  I just thought her behavior was due to not sleeping good and being congested.

Wednesday I took her to daycare.  She still seemed off, but mostly it seemed to be from poor sleeping.  Around 10:30 I got a text from Tonya asking if I had noticed something different about her.  I didn't really know what to say.  Yes I have, but if I admit that I do, do they then think I'm a bad parent for still sending my child to daycare.  I send her to daycare for a reason, because I have to work, and Gene has to work (and right now the Cracker Barrel order has to be ready on Monday and its not near done).   I was vague with my response.  I asked if she needed to be picked up, again worrying that I'm looking like a bad parent.  And she replies "Well, she's miserable!" 


Yep, bad parent right there.

So I call and make an appointment with the doctor.  Really just to appease them, thinking all along its just a cold and I've just through $20 out the window.  Gene stops what he's doing to get her.  I can't leave for another hour so he stays home with her till we can meet at the doctor.  He leaves her with me at the doctor so he can go back to work to get things going.   She seems lethargic, but not totally out.  She still wants to walk about and look at things.  She's eating all the snacks out of the bag.  She cuddles a little bit longer than usual in my lap.

Dr. Hart takes a good look at her.  He spends a long time listening to her chest.  But I thought it might be because she won't stop wiggling.  We have to lay her on the table to look in her ears.

Then he says... Yep, its her ears.  Son of A...


bad parent award again

I feel so awful.  I know that hurts.  I've have recently experienced that.  She didn't seem to be tugging on her ears.  But it explains the over all grumpiness. 

He also said she has RSV.  But, she's probably mostly over that because it peaks between 4-5 days and if she started having symptoms on Saturday then she is at or past peak.   But he could notice a little wheeze in her breathing.  He said it should resolve itself in a few days, the cough would slowly get better.

He prescribed antibiotics and off we went.  I picked up my Mother of the Year Award on the way out.

Abby's at home today.  Playing with Daddy and MaeMae.  She will stay home tomorrow too.  I don't know what to say to daycare.  I'm sure I'm not the first, first time parent to not know something was wrong.  But I feel like and ass to begin with for sending my kid when they are sick.  They need sick baby daycare.

Oh well, I guess you just live and learn.  Hopefully I'll do better the next time she's sick.  At least now I know what to look for.

Monday, January 13, 2014

First Slumber Party

This past Friday was our annual, Burning of the Greens Party.   A time to unwind from all the holiday stress, stand around drinking cold beer, and watch your crispy Christmas tree go up in flames.

The weather hasn't really been cooperating the past several years, and this year is decided it was going to rain on our parade, again.  But that didn't stop us from having a good time, and burning trees.

But the best part for Abby, her friend Caroline got to come to her house and play.  The two of them had a great time playing with Abby's toys.  They also enjoyed sharing hugs from all our friends. 

I knew before the party started that Abby wouldn't want to go to bed.  She loves people and parties, so if something is happening, she wants to be a part of it.  She eventually settled down for the night (about an hour after her usual bedtime).  Around that time Caroline settled down too.  We didn't have the pack and play at our house, so I told Noel to just put her in the crib with Abby.

The two slept peacefully for 2 hours before Noel took Caroline home.  I don't think either one knew the other was there, but it was so sweet to look at.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014


Abby has never been a great eater, but she eats.  She hasn't become too picky.  Although I'm discovering there are foods she doesn't like to eat (strawberries, grapes).   She's usually up to whatever is on her tray. 

Its hard to come up with ideas on what she should eat.  Mostly because she only has a few teeth, so she can't chew a lot.  Breakfast is also hard because I like it to be something she can feed herself.  I'm busy getting my breakfast and getting things ready for the day.  I don't have time to sit and spoon feed her. 

This morning I tried some pancakes.  I found mini pancakes in the freezer section of the store and thought they would be good for her.  (And JJ too, he loves them).  I heated up two for her this morning, drizzled them with a bit of syrup and then cut them in to pieces for her.

I went on about my morning business. Then I heard her little voice.  "Ma"  "Ma"  uhh uhh "Ma".  I look over and she's signing "More" to me.  She wanted more pancakes!  Of course you can have more! I was so excited to see her communicate with me.  On her own terms.  She can often mimic responses, but I've never seen her initiate communication.

I took two more out and heated them up.  She gobbled those up almost instantly.  She shoveled so many pieces in her mouth she could hardly chew.

I guess I have another item I can add to the breakfast (or dinner!) menu!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year!!!!

We started the New Years Eve Festivities with a trip to the doctors office.  Abby's has a weird rash on her arms and legs.  It hasn't bothered her one bit, but it did bother me.  It felt like sandpaper.  It was strange brown bumps, almost scabby.  But they didn't start that way.  They were red when they started.   Being the holidays, it was hard to get in touch with anyone.  The first nurse I talked to suggested hyrdocortisone creme.  We did that for four days, but saw no change.  Then I played phone tag for two days.  Finally they allowed me to come in and be seen.

First of all, JJ went with us.  I don't personally care for the entourage to go along, but I figured this one time wouldn't hurt.  Dr. Hart was initially confused because he recognized JJ, but didn't know how we was related to us.  Once he got the story, it all made sense to him. 

Dr. Hart looked at Abby's rash.  He inspected it with his special medical flashlight.  She wormed and skwormed all over the table.  He did some hmmm... and awwws...., till he came up with nothing.  Yes, nothing.  He doesn't know what it is, but he suspects that it will go away in a few weeks.  It may have been a contact reaction to something.  But it wasn't anything serious. 

We also asked about the rash on her face.  He didn't think the two were related.  He suggested Aquaphor for the face.  She's really loving having it smeared all over her face.  She hates having her face touched!!!

We continued on with the festivities, gathering with friends at Sullivan's for dinner.  Its become a small tradition.  Its nice to have something to do to kill some time.  We were there for several hours, before heading back to the Dorns to ring in the new year.

I suspected Abby would be tired, so I brought her PJ's and her nap mat.  But, she didn't want anything to do with that.  She did let me put her jammies on, but she wasn't having any part of sleeping!  If there is a party, she wants to be a part of it.  That girl lasted still midnight!  I was struggling, but she was wide open.  Until, we got in the car, and then she was asleep before we got to the end of the street. 

I was very concerned that she would wake up at her usual 7:00.  But she slept until 8:30.  She did take two longer naps on New Years Day to help make up for it. 

2014 may be an interesting year for us.  I don't know what's in store.  The business is doing fantastic and continuing to grow.  We've promised JJ a trip to Washington DC this summer.  We hope to see all the museums as well as get a little R&R in there.  Gene and I are headed to the Dominican Republic in February.  I didn't think it would be hard leaving Abby for a week, but as its getting closer, I'm really starting to dread it.  Even though I'm looking forward to the trip, I just don't want her to miss us while we are away. 

I can only hope that our health continues into 2014.  I seem to be the only one last year with troubles, but that has resolved itself.  And, since the tube is still in and doing well, I don't foresee anything problems coming around. 

I guess we've got health, wealth, and happiness and I can't ask for anything more!