Monday, August 11, 2014


Abby is in a very single minded state right now.  Everything is "mine". 

Woody's toy--- Mine

That chair--- mine

That thing you are eating---mine

The cutest so far is yesterday morning, she was laying in the bed with me and Gene.  She was between us and he put his around across and was holding my hand.  She grabbed his hand and threw it off of mine and said "No Daddy, my Mommy".  Then she took my hand and held it close to her with both hers.

I know this is a temporary thing.  Like all the other things she does, it will be a phase and she will grow out of it.  (We hope.)  It takes patience from us all to help her understand that not all things are hers.  She gets very upset when Woody plays with his toys, and then he gets very upset with her when she takes the toy from him.  She gets upset if you take away her plate, even when she said she was all done. 

Its very hard sometimes, deciding what to do and how to soothe her.  I don't always want to give in, even though most of the time I know I can calm down the crying instantly by giving in to her.  But I don't always want to leave her stranded and confused.  I feel like there is a very delicate line and I often feel like I'm swerving too far to one side and then the other. 

I don't really know the correct balance.  It doesn't appear that there is a correct balance. Just trial and error.  Which is all parenting is right?!?!

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