Tuesday, December 20, 2011


I believe in destiny.  I believe in faith.  I believe things happen for reason.

I have a friend that sent me a special gift.  She could have sent anything, but she sent me something she knew I needed.  She sent me lucky socks.  Why?  Because she's been there.  She's tried to squeeze the hell out of lemons, just to make a little lemonade. 

Included was a little note that with a special hug from her miracle girl.  It made me cry. 

This time of year, I didn't need stuff, I just needed hope.  Thanks secret elf for giving me hope.

Monday, December 19, 2011

That's a nice present

My drugs are on their way to me.  What a great christmas present.  $1500 worth of drugs!  That should also come with the mega pack of toilet paper because the anxiety has already started to creep in and I have a feeling I'm going to be needed it, a lot.