Friday, November 2, 2012

The 11th month of the 12th year

Its November.  Its finally baby's birth month.  No matter what, she will be born in November.  This makes me happy.  I'm an October Baby.  Along with half of my extended family.  For a period of two weeks, we have several birthdays, almost back to back. 

Deep down, the last thing I really wanted for Abby was to be clumped into that mix.  Sure its fun to celebrate with others, but your birthday should be the one time of year you don't have to share.  Lucky for Abby, there are no other November birthdays in the family.

She will be the first and she can be queen of the castle on her special day.

Which day she chooses are her special day in the 11th month of the 12th year is still unknown.  I'm ready for any day.  Pick your number Abby!