Friday, January 6, 2012


18 is a much better number.  I had my baseline AFC ultrasound redone and 18 is the new number.  Why the change?  Well apparently they don't measure a lot of the smaller follicles anymore, they've adapted a stricter scale. 

So when the RE took a peak at it today, he was able to spot several smaller follicles that fell just outside of the cut off.  The RE, the IVF nurse, and the sonographer, all agreed that this new method might be too strict.  Especially for sensitive patients like me, that know too much, and FREAK out when Dr. Google has told them something different.

I did learn that last time my AFC was 21, so 18 is good for me.

Now I'm ready to get stabbed twice daily and bloat up just enough to be awkwardly unconfortable.

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