Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Banana

I found this on another blog I follow and thought it would be fun to do a weekly check up on my progress.  I'm starting a little late, but its better late than never.  I think this blog has been a great documentary so far of this journey, this just compiles it all into one place for each week.
How far along: twenty one weeks one day
How big is baby:  14 oz
Total weight gain: 10 pounds!  I'm up 5 pounds from 16 week appointment.  A pound a week I guess!
Maternity clothes: Yes, but not nearly enough.  I hate being limited to wearing the same things over and over.  I finally just pushed all my old clothes aside in the closet so I can only chose from my tiny selection.
Sleep: Ok.  Falling asleep early.  Making 2-3 pee breaks a night.  Some nights its hard to fall asleep again. I really feel it by Fridays.  Friday afternoon I usually take a nap when I get home.
Best moment this week: JJ asking how plump I will get takes it this time!
Gender: Girl!
Craving: Ice cream, fruit, and  water.
Movement: She's either a dancer or another soccer star.  Usually early mornings and later in the evening she is active.  I can start to poke and she will respond.  It just takes a little while to get her going.
Labor Signs: I'm not sure I would know, so I'm gonna say none right now.
Belly Button in or out: in, I think it will be in for a while. I've always been fascinated about how far in my belly button is.  I can finally see my scar from my Lap last year in there, so I know its thinning, but I don't know if it will totally pop out.
Stretch marks: None yet, knock on wood.
What I miss: sadly, beer. Its summer, can you blame me?
What I am looking forward to: Registering!
Milestones: Just over the hump now.  On the downward side.  Hoping its all smooth sailing from here!

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