Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Its all in my head

I'm sick of winter, I'm sick of daycare, I'm sick of being SICK!

I have it again.  And this time is far worse than anything I've ever experienced.

I suffered all Easter weekend, going from one extreme to another.  One minute I would feel fine and then the next I wouldn't be able to move or breathe.  I just figured it was the same old crud and I would just have to wait out its course.

Monday though, I noticed that my one eye was redder than the other.  Not typical of a cold, and too red for my likeness for allergies.  So I left work early and headed to the minute clinic at CVS.  (I love this things, by the way.  They are so convenient.  You can just walk an and usually be seen right away.  So much faster than the doc in the box!).

She took one look at my eye and confirmed my suspicion.  Pink Eye.  Fantastic!  Then I had her check out my head, just because I was there, and I needed some relief.  The meds I was taking were not doing a thing and I was miserable.  She looked in my right ear, and gasp.  Then she looked up my nose and gasp.  Then she asked if I was coughing up flem, and when I said yes, she gasp.

It turns out I have the amalgamation of nastiness.  With my pink eye (thankfully only the left eye), I have a ear infection in my right ear, a sinus infection, bronchitis, and allergies!


Please tell me this is the end of all of this.  I can't take much more of this cycle.  I'm on antibiotics, which hopefully will clear things up for good.  I can't help but wonder if this has been the same thing all along and it just keeps going dormant.  But Gene is also struggling. And I went to the minute clinic a month ago with the horrendous sore throat and ears, nose, and chest all check out clear at that time.

I've put a crack down on germ killing at the house.  I'm ready to end this.  I would love to be healthy for longer than 2 or 3 days.  Spring is here, so I'm hoping the warmer temps will help flush things away.  Although, it seems for me, the pollen is gonna get me no matter what.  But a change in allergy meds may help that.

I know with a baby that you are going to get sick, they are going to get sick.  Everyone is going to share things. I've heard people joke that the first year their child was in daycare was the sickest they have ever been, and now I believe them.  This is the sickest I've ever been in my adult life!

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