Monday, April 15, 2013

Fully loaded

Our sleeping has continued to be wonderful!  We've only had 2 full nights of sleeping through the night, but the others are only a once awake to eat and then back asleep.  And its been 3:30-4:30ish that she's waking, so I still get a nice long stretch of sleep.

Now that she's going longer at night, I'm stuck with a problem.  My full, leaky boobs.  I know that my body will adjust, I just have to give it time.  After all, its spent the past 23 weeks feeding around the clock.  I also have the problem that its not so convenient to pump at home.  There isn't a comfortable place to do it.  I'm also not interested in getting up earlier to pump, but if I need to I will.  I thought one side of me was going to explode before this mornings pumping session. I either need to feed from both sides (which she doesn't usually do), or pump it out because that was NOT pleasant. 

But, I think we've found our night time groove.  Between 6 and 7 she gets a big bowl of cereal.  (5 tablespoons.  6 is usually too much, but if she's still interested, we mix one more up).  Some nights we go straight to the bath.  Now that I've taken out the newborn sling, her legs sink into the water and she loves to splash them around.  We get lotioned up and into our jammies.  We cuddle for a while, then its time for milk.  She can usually dose off feeding (which I know is not a healthy habit, but right now it works, so I'm not changing it).  Lately I've been laying her in her crib till we are ready to go to bed ourselves and then I will transfer her upstairs to be close to us.  I'm just not ready to leave her downstairs yet.  There are still a few times she needs a paci placed, and I'm not wandering all the way downstairs to do that.  She will be down there soon enough.  I don't want to rush this little time we have left.

Its all going so quickly. 

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