Thursday, April 19, 2012

The first of many

We got to meet the OB today.  The first of many visits to meet them.  I chose to go to a new practice.  The GYN I had previous visited didn't have a very good bedside manner.  The practice had great reviews, but I just wasn't feeling it.  The new place I can walk through the halls from work to get there, so convienince is a great thing.

I was anxiously awaiting this appointment.  My symptoms have changed a lot. Most all of my anxiety is based on the fear that something will go wrong in the first few weeks.  This week my fears were escallated when a coworker told me she had a miscarriage last week.  My heart broke for her.  We aren't that close, but I wanted to hug her.  I also felt deeply saddened that I will be a constant reminder to her.  I know that I've fought long and hard for this oppurtunity and I might be jaded, and she could take it just fine.  But I know that it would crush me to see someone everyday doing something I couldn't have.  I am giving her some time to heal and then I will tell her one on one whats going on.

Peanut, on the other hand, is doing just fine.  Measuring exactly on target.  That's my kid!  We were able to do our first adominal ultrasound today.  Boy was that different!  I enjoyed not being violated, but I was skeptical that it would produce good results.  Sure enough, with enough pushing, peanut appeared.  Heart beating at 170bpm.  We went through all the other new patient things, medical history, exam, labwork, questions to the doctor.

We went ahead and schedule the next ultrasound, the NT scan.  Gene was uncertain if he wanted to check for abnormalities.  He's stuck on the numbers.  Our odds are not high.  For me, its another time to see peanut and have piece of mind that everything is ok.  And, if its not ok, I can prepare myself for it.  If something is going to happen down the road, I don't want to be surprised.  I don't like surprises!  So, three weeks from now, we can see peanut again, hopefully wiggling around this time.

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