I'm so ready for spring. I'm ready for fresh air and NO GERMS!
These past two weeks have been awful. Everyone has been suffering. I've got sinus problems related to our trip. JJ's got sinus problems related to swollen adenoids. Gene's got sinus problems related to seasonal allergies. And Abby is just getting all kinds of bugs from daycare.
Last week it was a GI bug. Explosive diarrhea. Yuck. Out for a day for it to clear up. She seemed happy and content. She ate and drank fine. She handled it like a champ. (Me, not so much, that stuff stunk!)
This week.... a mega cold. A high fever started Monday (103+). Got the call from daycare to come and get her. That's an automatic 24 hours out. I immediately called the doctor. I wasn't going to let daycare shun me this time, I was on top of it! They were able to see us that afternoon. The doctor looked in her ears, nose, throat. All was clear. He order a finger prick. Which was hell for Abby and she bleed like crazy. But that was normal. So a urine sample was needed. Which means cathing her. Which, she didn't like either. But we made it through and that was normal too. So, he said to ride it out. Watch the fever and if it doesn't break or other symptoms appear call back.
She spent most of yesterday moping around. Not her usual sprite self. She would have bursts of energy, mostly to go and pet Woody. (Which she can say Woody now and its so cute!). She ate very little for dinner, but did drink a lot. She fought going to bed, but at 9:30 I said enough was enough and into the bed she went. She whimpered a while, but finally fell asleep.
Her fever was still high last night, so she was unable to go to daycare again today. This morning she woke up feeling warm, so I drowned her with Advil again. She was interested in something to drink so we started with some water while we waited for Gene to bring home some milk. We snuggled in the chair, watching the today show. Her with her sippy of milk and me with my coffee. I started playing on the ipad. Then... bbbbblllllllaaaahhhhh......
Ugh! Vomiting. Yuck!
At least it didn't smell bad. It was mostly clear, but there was a lot of it. All over her, all over me. All over the ipad. I'm freaking out, she's getting upset. Gene finally gets to me to help me. We strip her down. Strip me down. Toss it all in the laundry and start over.
I call the nurse line to find out what we should do. This is a new symptom and the temp hasn't gone down. After consulting with the doctor, she tells me to wait it out one more day. Her cold symptoms seem to be progressing. A snottier, runnier, nose is appearing. So those are good signs. Its just taking its sweet time getting there.
She played some this morning. She was able to eat and drink something and keep it down. She took a really long nap. I headed back to work and left her at home with Daddy. (Who describes himself as an adequate nurse.)
Thankfully I'm already scheduled to be off tomorrow, so if she needs to stay home with me she can. I might let her do that anyway. I feel awful that things just keep going around the daycare, but I can understand that its hard for working parents to have the flexibility to take the time off. I'm starting to question the flexibility I have, but for the moment I'm thankful for it.
I knew children brought germs, but I never expected it to be like this. The sporadic illnesses that seem to come at just the wrong time. It just feels like it we can get over this hump we will be good to go. (Which I know is not true, and the next cold is just around the corner). I thank God every day for a healthy child. I know it could be much, much, worse.
For now, I will take the snuggles that sickness brings. I melt every time she sinks her head into my shoulder. I'm glad she is seeking comfort in me and I'm glad to give her all I can.
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