I haven't done an update in a while. Yesterday was Abby's 15 month check up. We are really closer to 16 months, but our trip pushed the appointment out a few weeks.
Right now she weighs 19 pounds 7 ounces. That's up 12 ounces from her sick visit 6 weeks ago. Her weight is starting to taper off, not gaining the pound a month like she was before. Her height is 29.25 inches. Up 1.75 inches since her 12 month check. She's still a little peanut. Just making it on the scales, although her height to weight ratio is in the 40th percentile.
Don't let her size confuse you. She loves to eat. So far, there isn't much she won't eat. She might not like something one day, but try it again in a few days and she will gobble it up (scrambled eggs!). She loves pancakes and syrup, avocados, PB&J, green beans, cereal with milk, turkey. And anything you are eating. If she sees you eating something, she wants to try it. And she will also let you know when she wants more of something. She will stand at the counter and cry because she knows its there and she can't get to it (Valentine's Candy!).
She still is wearing a lot of 9 month clothes. Although, they are starting to get short. We are stretching them through the last few weeks of winter and stocking up on 12 month items for spring and summer. I've packed a lot of the old things away, and it was very sad to see the tiny things put up.
She's got her mothers determination and her fathers temper. If she doesn't get her way, she will try, and try, and try, and then have a major meltdown when it doesn't work. She figured out how to turn on the microwave, so we figured out have to lock it. She doesn't like that at all. She will press the buttons and when nothing eventually happens, she will stand in the corner and cry. We are in for a wild ride.
She's become a great sleeper. She goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 every night. And sleeps at least 12 hours. We just put her in the bed at night, and she takes it from there. She might stir a little in the night, but she can get herself back to sleep with no problems. She's also good with naps, as long as there are no interruptions. She likes a late morning 2 hour nap.
She's got 7 teeth in her mouth. 4 on top, and 3 on the bottom. I suspect the other bottom tooth will cut through any day now. She looks so cute with teeth in her mouth. I need to make her a dentist appointment so we can start getting them checked! She loves to chew on her toothbrush and its a great thing to keep her entertained while getting dressed.
Her vocabulary is getting larger. Mama, Dada, Nana, Maemae, Dog, ball, bird, more, Go Go (Joe Joe, her favorite person), book, kitty, please, ut oh, no. She can sign for more, and please, although use of them is hit or miss. When you ask her to say it, she won't do it, but if she really wants something she knows she can't have, she will sign please. Its really cute, and hard not to reward her.
She's still always got a happy temperament. Even with the few toddler tantrums we have, she's a relatively happy child. She's always the life of the party. She loves to hug, especially little ones like her. She hugs her classmates everyone at daycare.
Her favorite thing to do is dance. She's learned to incorporate her arms. They flail side of side as she moves her legs and bounces her bum. She will move to just about any music. She will stop what she's doing to dance. She also loves her toys that make music. She knows how they all work, and can press the buttons to turn them on. She will dance to that music too.
Books have become a favorite. She likes to sit in your lap and look at books. She doesn't care much for the story, but she likes to look at the pictures and turn the pages. I got her a library card so we can check out new books from the library.
The summer is coming. We are busy into soccer season. There will be games several nights a week and on the weekends. She has done so well so far on travelling. The other mom's like to dote on her, so its easy to take care of her while we are at games.
I can't believe its already 15 (really almost 16) months. I'm so impressed on the little human she's become. I'm so proud of her every day!
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