We started the New Years Eve Festivities with a trip to the doctors office. Abby's has a weird rash on her arms and legs. It hasn't bothered her one bit, but it did bother me. It felt like sandpaper. It was strange brown bumps, almost scabby. But they didn't start that way. They were red when they started. Being the holidays, it was hard to get in touch with anyone. The first nurse I talked to suggested hyrdocortisone creme. We did that for four days, but saw no change. Then I played phone tag for two days. Finally they allowed me to come in and be seen.
First of all, JJ went with us. I don't personally care for the entourage to go along, but I figured this one time wouldn't hurt. Dr. Hart was initially confused because he recognized JJ, but didn't know how we was related to us. Once he got the story, it all made sense to him.
Dr. Hart looked at Abby's rash. He inspected it with his special medical flashlight. She wormed and skwormed all over the table. He did some hmmm... and awwws...., till he came up with nothing. Yes, nothing. He doesn't know what it is, but he suspects that it will go away in a few weeks. It may have been a contact reaction to something. But it wasn't anything serious.
We also asked about the rash on her face. He didn't think the two were related. He suggested Aquaphor for the face. She's really loving having it smeared all over her face. She hates having her face touched!!!
We continued on with the festivities, gathering with friends at Sullivan's for dinner. Its become a small tradition. Its nice to have something to do to kill some time. We were there for several hours, before heading back to the Dorns to ring in the new year.
I suspected Abby would be tired, so I brought her PJ's and her nap mat. But, she didn't want anything to do with that. She did let me put her jammies on, but she wasn't having any part of sleeping! If there is a party, she wants to be a part of it. That girl lasted still midnight! I was struggling, but she was wide open. Until, we got in the car, and then she was asleep before we got to the end of the street.
I was very concerned that she would wake up at her usual 7:00. But she slept until 8:30. She did take two longer naps on New Years Day to help make up for it.
2014 may be an interesting year for us. I don't know what's in store. The business is doing fantastic and continuing to grow. We've promised JJ a trip to Washington DC this summer. We hope to see all the museums as well as get a little R&R in there. Gene and I are headed to the Dominican Republic in February. I didn't think it would be hard leaving Abby for a week, but as its getting closer, I'm really starting to dread it. Even though I'm looking forward to the trip, I just don't want her to miss us while we are away.
I can only hope that our health continues into 2014. I seem to be the only one last year with troubles, but that has resolved itself. And, since the tube is still in and doing well, I don't foresee anything problems coming around.
I guess we've got health, wealth, and happiness and I can't ask for anything more!
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