Thursday, January 16, 2014

As a first time mom, I'm a winner

Abby's been sick.  I thought it was little cold.  She had a runny nose, a cough, a low fever (99ish).  I thought it was viral and it would pass.  Just like all the other colds she had. 

I sent her to daycare because it didn't seem like to was too bad.  She seemed a little crabby, but a cold will do that to anyone.

When I picked her up Tuesday, Kelly told me she seemed very upset and wouldn't stop crying.  The only thing that worked to quiet her was the pacifier.  And she knew I didn't want her using it except for naps (although we've gotten really lax on that at home), so she didn't want me to be upset. I didn't have a problem with it.  I just thought her behavior was due to not sleeping good and being congested.

Wednesday I took her to daycare.  She still seemed off, but mostly it seemed to be from poor sleeping.  Around 10:30 I got a text from Tonya asking if I had noticed something different about her.  I didn't really know what to say.  Yes I have, but if I admit that I do, do they then think I'm a bad parent for still sending my child to daycare.  I send her to daycare for a reason, because I have to work, and Gene has to work (and right now the Cracker Barrel order has to be ready on Monday and its not near done).   I was vague with my response.  I asked if she needed to be picked up, again worrying that I'm looking like a bad parent.  And she replies "Well, she's miserable!" 


Yep, bad parent right there.

So I call and make an appointment with the doctor.  Really just to appease them, thinking all along its just a cold and I've just through $20 out the window.  Gene stops what he's doing to get her.  I can't leave for another hour so he stays home with her till we can meet at the doctor.  He leaves her with me at the doctor so he can go back to work to get things going.   She seems lethargic, but not totally out.  She still wants to walk about and look at things.  She's eating all the snacks out of the bag.  She cuddles a little bit longer than usual in my lap.

Dr. Hart takes a good look at her.  He spends a long time listening to her chest.  But I thought it might be because she won't stop wiggling.  We have to lay her on the table to look in her ears.

Then he says... Yep, its her ears.  Son of A...


bad parent award again

I feel so awful.  I know that hurts.  I've have recently experienced that.  She didn't seem to be tugging on her ears.  But it explains the over all grumpiness. 

He also said she has RSV.  But, she's probably mostly over that because it peaks between 4-5 days and if she started having symptoms on Saturday then she is at or past peak.   But he could notice a little wheeze in her breathing.  He said it should resolve itself in a few days, the cough would slowly get better.

He prescribed antibiotics and off we went.  I picked up my Mother of the Year Award on the way out.

Abby's at home today.  Playing with Daddy and MaeMae.  She will stay home tomorrow too.  I don't know what to say to daycare.  I'm sure I'm not the first, first time parent to not know something was wrong.  But I feel like and ass to begin with for sending my kid when they are sick.  They need sick baby daycare.

Oh well, I guess you just live and learn.  Hopefully I'll do better the next time she's sick.  At least now I know what to look for.

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