Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I can see you

A friend of ours gaves us their baby video monitor.

That's something I thought was over the top, just too much electronics for a baby. I thought they were just all the rage and I wasn't going to spend the money on one. (That's how we got on the topic with friends, and they offered theirs). I had researched them and almost pulled the trigger, but I just couldn't do it. I don't really know what made me not do it.

I was excited to get home Sunday and set it up. Initially I had some frustrations with it. I couldn't get it to work, and I was about to give up. Finally, I figured it out and it was like magic!

I spent a lot of time Sunday night watching Abby sleep. Or wake up and put herself back to sleep. She would crawl around the bed till she found the pacifer. Put it in her mouth, and then lay back down.

The cutest thing this morning was watching her search for her stuffed monkey. She reached for it. Pulled it over to her, and then placed her head on it like it was a pillow.

I'm addicted to Abby TV! The monitor is one of those gadgets you don't think you need, until you have it, then you can't live without it!

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