Abby is 10 months old today. Every finger on each hand, 10 , 10, 10! I can't believe it. In two months, my baby will be a toddler. Where has the time gone?
This month you learned to explore more. Mostly because you were more mobile. You can do a mean quick crawl, and you usually make a bee line straight to me. You've discovered how easy it is to pull up on things, and you don't hesitate to do so. If you can grab a hold, you can get yourself up. And then smile because you are so proud of yourself. This has also made if difficult for us to keep things on surfaces you can reach. Side tables are your favorite, and if there is something on it, you will grab it. Your favorites are the remote and the box of tissues. (Which I let you get the other night and you pulled every tissue out of the box. I'm thinking I need to create a pinterest style box for you.)
This month you moved up to a new room in daycare. You love it. You are so tired by the end of the day. And you usually come home completely messy. I just know you are having fun with your friends. It does make my heart ache every day when I drop you off, but I see how much social development you are getting and it makes me happy. I really don't want you to be shy like me and your daddy.
Also this month, you got teeth! Two little teeffers have busted on through. You're smile was always beautiful, but the teeth make it light up. You've loved using your new teeth to help you eat. And eat you do! You've started to eat more table foods. You like noodles, and green beans. You like hot dogs and potato chips. You are very good at picking things up off your tray and putting them in your mouth. You also like to drop things on the floor, but thankfully Woody is there is clean up after you. Right now, you enjoy blowing raspberries while you have food in your mouth. That usually makes me mad because I get food sprayed on me. You also think its fun to wipe your hands all over your face and into your eyes. Then, you get upset when your eyes hurt because you got food in them!
This month we had some sniffles. Another round of colds for everyone. You always handle it like a champ though. You like to snuggle just a little longer, but you are also quick to get up and go play. I think you get that from your Dad!
You are still my little peanut. Two weeks ago you weighed in at 15 pounds 6 ounces. You were 26 1/4 inches long. You are moving into mostly nine month clothes. Most of the summer things are 6 month, and I'm starting to phase those out. Fall is coming, so a new wardrobe is needed. Nana is taking care of that for you. It doesn't matter what you wear you always look so cute. Its so hard for me to pack up things that don't fit anymore. I feel attached to every outfit.
You can babble up a storm. You learned to say Mama. You also can say Bubba, and Nana. I think you have the a sound down. I'm working on more vowel sounds. You love to mimic sounds. Repetition is key. I love watching your little mind work when you are trying to say something new. I know a day will come when you won't stop talking and I'll wish for these quiet days back, but I can't wait for you to share what's going on in your little mind.
You've become a great sleeper this month. You often go to bed without a hassle. You really need to have peace and quiet in order to settle down. If there is too much activity, you just can't stop watching. You can sleep all through the night. You might whimper every now and then, but all you need is your paci. And if you can find it, you will put it in your mouth and go back to sleep. You've also found comfort in your pink stuffed monkey. You like to use it as a pillow. I've noticed this since we got the video monitor.
You are still a very happy baby. Even in your times of divaness, you make me smile. Your Dad and I are thankful every day to have you.
Happy 10 months Little Bit!
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