Thursday, September 26, 2013

Taken like a champ

Abby had to get her first flu shot yesterday.

She's had shots before and I've been amazed at how well she handles them. A few tears, but a big cuddly hug makes them all go away.

I wasn't concerned about the flu shot. I knew she's do ok. She does have to get an additional dose in a month, in addition to her 1 year (gulp!) vaccinations.

She sat on my lap. Daddy held down her legs. 1-2-3, little pinch. Delayed cry. Bandaid on, pants up. Big hug.... and no more crying.


I was expecting a lot more out of her. We walked out, not even a sniffle.

Way to go Abby. I'm so proud!

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

First Sleepover

Abby and I spent our first night apart last weekend.

Gene and I had made plans to celebrate a friends birthday. I knew we would be out late, so I pitched the idea of a sleepover. I knew she could handle it. She's sleeping through the night. She might wake up for a pacifier, but otherwise, she's become a great sleeper. I knew there wouldn't be any problems with it.

We dropped her off at dinner time with MaeMae and Poppie. They were eager to keep her, and now that's she's more playful its easier to keep her. I gave the review of foods, bottles, and bed time routine. I gave her a big kiss and off we went.

It was harder driving away that time than the first time I left her.

We didn't stay out as late as I thought we would, and I contemplated picking her up. But I knew she was asleep and she would be fine. I should enjoy the peaceful night and the few extra moments of quiet in the morning.

I stared at the monitor before falling asleep. Empty, except for the giraffe laying there in the corner.

I woke up, ready to get in the car and go get her. Again, I tried to enjoy the peaceful moment, but it was too hard. I called to check on her, and of course, she was doing fine. She slept well, ate well, and was playing. The only problem was an accident in her jammys, which left her scooting around in her diaper.

I finally couldn't take it anymore and I went to get her. The minute she saw me she got wide eyed and made a beeline straight to me. I want to capture that smile in a bottle and keep it forever. She acted like I had never left. That made me feel good.

In two weeks we have a wedding to go to and an overnight stay is booked again. Hopefully that time it will be a little easier... for me.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Everything is coming up roses

On my way home Monday, I got a text from Abby's teacher that Abby had a rash. Bummer

When I got there, they showed it to my. She was pink and blotchy all over her stomach and back. She wouldn't be allowed to come back without a doctors note.

So I stayed home yesterday morning to take her to the peditrician. Our appointment was at 11:30. I arrived a little early, hoping to be seen a little sooner, but it didn't work out like that. We waited for 40 minutes. Thankfully Abby is a content baby and she played and ate snacks.

We discussed with the doctor her symptoms. Nothing really, she seemed ok, maybe a little fussy here and there, but nothing grossly diverging from her personality. I commented in the previous fever and we hadn't had any problems with it since Saturday night. He checked her all out. She hates the tongue depressor, but who doesn't.

She told us she has Roseola and the rash should go away in 2-3 days. Apparently its a viral thing, with the onset of a high fever, that abruptly leaves, and then is followed by a blotchy rash. Sounds like her symptoms to me! No treatments necessary, she can return to daycare immediately.

I know that daycare is a sesspool of germs. But, I'm so tired of catching everything! I hope that eventually things will level out and we won't be sick every other week. I really hate using my time off for these things, although I love being home with Abby, but I would rather take my time off and do special, fun things. Not sit at home and do chores!

Over the River and through the Woods

To Grandmother's (aka.. Nana's) house we go (went)!

This weekend Abby and I took a little visit to my parents house. It was my Dad's birthday Saturday, so I thought I would give him the present of Abby for his birthday.

I fell ill Thursday night, so I didn't get packed up like I had wanted to so Friday morning I was hustling around trying to remember everything. I loaded the car, headed to work and told Gene we would swing by on our way out of town. (He didn't go because he had things he needed to get done in the shop.)

At 2:30 Friday afternoon I get a call from daycare that Abby has a fever, 102.5. Great. I drop everything at work, tell the boss I'm leaving, (he gives me a hard time, trying to be funny, but when your child is sick and you don't know why, its not funny, no matter if its Friday or not) and head to get her. She seems her usual self when I pick her up, just hot. So I decide that we can still make the trip. A little love and attention from Nana and Mom would do us both good.

We swing by the house and pick up all the things I forgot. Kiss Gene good bye and hit the road. Abby is such a great car traveller. She slept the whole way. I counted down the miles on the GPS. (I know how to get there, but I love that the GPS tells me how much longer I have to go. No more asking... Are we there yet?).

We arrive in time for dinner and some play time with Nana and Grampa. Abby goes to bed a little later that usual, but not extremely late, and with no problems. She sleeps all night in a different crib without problems. She still a little warm in the morning, but I squirt some more Tylenol in her mouth and we go shopping. The mission of the weekend is to get Abby's fall/winter wardrobe ready. Nana had already gathered several pieces, but we had coupons galore to use, so we were out to get more things. I can't believe how many cute things there are out there. She is set to go now. Her drawers and closet are well stocked!

Grandpa had fun pushing Abby around in the stroller. She took a little nap during lunch time. She didn't seem interested in eating or drinking, but I wasn't going to force it. She would when she was hungry enough. With all new surroundings, she was too busy looking.

We came home and Abby took another nap. When she woke up, she seemed more like herself. The fever seemed to have disappeared. Jerry, Tracie and the boys came over for a cook out for Dad's birthday. They both had fun stealing her from each other. Abby finally wanted to eat and she enjoyed the cook out dinner. She ate hamburger, macaroni salad, and she loved the baked beans.

But her favorite item was dessert. She wasn't crazy about the texture of the cake, but she loved the frosting. And crazy Uncle Jerry gave her all she wanted. She promptly shoved it in her face, while rubbing it every where. It was straight to the bathtub after that.

Another night of no problems going to bed and staying asleep. Both mornings my parents let her snuggle in their bed with them. I got up to hear her giggling with them. We hung out for the morning, then we went to the fabric store. I'm slightly obsessed with making her bibs right now and I needed more snap pieces. I also found bundles of fat quarters to make more bibs out of. Once I had my craft fix, we went to IHop for pancakes. Abby loved eating the pancakes. She sat like a big girl at the table. She played with her toys and smiled at the waitress.

Once lunch was done it was back on the road. Abby was ready for a nap and she fell asleep before we hit the interstate. Again, she was such a good sleeper. She got fussy the last 20 minutes, but I was getting antsy too. It was so good to come home and see Gene there. I think we both enjoyed being away, but the comforts of home were nice to see.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Rhythm gets her going

Abby has always loved music. Even in the womb, she would move to music. I enjoyed going to church because I knew it would wake her up and she would dance to the music.

She's never been extremely interested in radio music, but any toy that makes noise gets her attention. Lately I've notice not only does it get her attention, but it excites her and makes her show happiness.

Last night she made her toy camera sing to her. While it was singing, she flapped her arm and bounced her body. When it stopped, she touched it so it would play again. Again, she did the same movements.

The other day while watching some Bubble Guppies, I noticed she did something similar when the characters sang. When they spoke she stopped, and seems uninterested in the program. But as soon as they sang, she was all eyes on the TV.

I think we have a little music maker on our hands.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

2 hands

Abby is 10 months old today. Every finger on each hand, 10 , 10, 10! I can't believe it. In two months, my baby will be a toddler. Where has the time gone?

This month you learned to explore more. Mostly because you were more mobile. You can do a mean quick crawl, and you usually make a bee line straight to me. You've discovered how easy it is to pull up on things, and you don't hesitate to do so. If you can grab a hold, you can get yourself up. And then smile because you are so proud of yourself. This has also made if difficult for us to keep things on surfaces you can reach. Side tables are your favorite, and if there is something on it, you will grab it. Your favorites are the remote and the box of tissues. (Which I let you get the other night and you pulled every tissue out of the box. I'm thinking I need to create a pinterest style box for you.)

This month you moved up to a new room in daycare. You love it. You are so tired by the end of the day. And you usually come home completely messy. I just know you are having fun with your friends. It does make my heart ache every day when I drop you off, but I see how much social development you are getting and it makes me happy. I really don't want you to be shy like me and your daddy.

Also this month, you got teeth! Two little teeffers have busted on through. You're smile was always beautiful, but the teeth make it light up. You've loved using your new teeth to help you eat. And eat you do! You've started to eat more table foods. You like noodles, and green beans. You like hot dogs and potato chips. You are very good at picking things up off your tray and putting them in your mouth. You also like to drop things on the floor, but thankfully Woody is there is clean up after you. Right now, you enjoy blowing raspberries while you have food in your mouth. That usually makes me mad because I get food sprayed on me. You also think its fun to wipe your hands all over your face and into your eyes. Then, you get upset when your eyes hurt because you got food in them!

This month we had some sniffles. Another round of colds for everyone. You always handle it like a champ though. You like to snuggle just a little longer, but you are also quick to get up and go play. I think you get that from your Dad!

You are still my little peanut. Two weeks ago you weighed in at 15 pounds 6 ounces. You were 26 1/4 inches long. You are moving into mostly nine month clothes. Most of the summer things are 6 month, and I'm starting to phase those out. Fall is coming, so a new wardrobe is needed. Nana is taking care of that for you. It doesn't matter what you wear you always look so cute. Its so hard for me to pack up things that don't fit anymore. I feel attached to every outfit.

You can babble up a storm. You learned to say Mama. You also can say Bubba, and Nana. I think you have the a sound down. I'm working on more vowel sounds. You love to mimic sounds. Repetition is key. I love watching your little mind work when you are trying to say something new. I know a day will come when you won't stop talking and I'll wish for these quiet days back, but I can't wait for you to share what's going on in your little mind.

You've become a great sleeper this month. You often go to bed without a hassle. You really need to have peace and quiet in order to settle down. If there is too much activity, you just can't stop watching. You can sleep all through the night. You might whimper every now and then, but all you need is your paci. And if you can find it, you will put it in your mouth and go back to sleep. You've also found comfort in your pink stuffed monkey. You like to use it as a pillow. I've noticed this since we got the video monitor.

You are still a very happy baby. Even in your times of divaness, you make me smile. Your Dad and I are thankful every day to have you.

Happy 10 months Little Bit!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Thanks for reminding me

A co worker had a baby a few weeks ago. Today, she stopped by for everyone to see him. She also stopped by to submit her resignation.

We all knew this was coming (except maybe the boss). Things around here have been in some turmoil. Management has changed hands and the morale was really low. Another staff member is leaving in two weeks. Its just a sad sight around here.

When the boss told us she was leaving, she had already slipped it to us, he told us she was choosing to stay home with the little one. Then he jab that I should know all about that. Yes, dumb ass. I do know all about that. I want to stay home every single day. Its incredibly hard to drop my child off at day care for someone else to watch while I come to work and do mostly nothing all day. I would love to have the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. But I can't.

I work so we can have insurance. Gene is a small business owner. Personal insurance is not cheap, let alone personal insurance on a family. Abby needs medical coverage. Thankfully she is healthy, but I couldn't bear to think about the what ifs. His business is growing, and hopefully some day I can stay home. Or at least go part time. Or maybe even go somewhere else and do something else. I feel stuck here because I don't want to lose the benefits I do have. They aren't much, but its what I know and it works for me.

I turned my back to the jab. Hopefully he noticed. He, after all, is the reason things are like they are. I think Gene being in business for himself is the best thing ever, and it probably wouldn't be if it wasn't for the boss man. Its a love/hate relationship. And today was more of a hate.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I can see you

A friend of ours gaves us their baby video monitor.

That's something I thought was over the top, just too much electronics for a baby. I thought they were just all the rage and I wasn't going to spend the money on one. (That's how we got on the topic with friends, and they offered theirs). I had researched them and almost pulled the trigger, but I just couldn't do it. I don't really know what made me not do it.

I was excited to get home Sunday and set it up. Initially I had some frustrations with it. I couldn't get it to work, and I was about to give up. Finally, I figured it out and it was like magic!

I spent a lot of time Sunday night watching Abby sleep. Or wake up and put herself back to sleep. She would crawl around the bed till she found the pacifer. Put it in her mouth, and then lay back down.

The cutest thing this morning was watching her search for her stuffed monkey. She reached for it. Pulled it over to her, and then placed her head on it like it was a pillow.

I'm addicted to Abby TV! The monitor is one of those gadgets you don't think you need, until you have it, then you can't live without it!

Tiger Town Tantrum

Saturday was the start of the most wonderful time of the year.

College Football

We had made plans to go to Clemson. To tailgate and hang out with friends. It was a late game, so we weren't going to go into the game, but we went to join in the spirit.

Abby woke up a little crabby. She had a snotty crusty nose, but she seemed ok. We loaded into the car and headed to Clemson. We met up with Gene's old roommate at their house. Abby was content. She slept the entire way there. She played when we got there. She enjoyed the golf cart ride over to the tailgate spot.

She did not enjoy many moments after that. As soon as we got there, she started squirming. She wanted to be held, but didn't want to be held. She wasn't hungry. I tried water, I tried formula. I tried food. Nothing worked.

I walked around the parking lot. We talked and looked at things. Sometimes she would settle, but not for long. I returned to Gene, frustrated, and hot. He decided we should leave, so we packed up and started the walk back.

Gene stopped a short walk into the hike and asked me if I thought we should go visit another friends tailgate. They have more space, more seating, more people we and Abby know. She seemed to be a little calmer, and I really wasn't looking forward to the hike, so I agreed. We detoured over to the other tailgate. Glad to see friends and people who were sympathetic to us.

Abby immediately went to Auntie Beth and calmed down. She crashed not too long after that. She took a good nap and woke up much happier. At this point we were willing to stick it out for a while and see how she handled it.

She did so much better after that. She stuck it out till just after kick off. We left the tailgate before the half and headed back. She enjoyed the walk home, smiling at all the silly college students. She curled up in my lap when we got back and went to sleep. We stayed the night in Clemson. She did fine throughout the night.

Who knows what her problem was? Maybe it was just too hot? Maybe she was just tired again? I don't know. But that tantrum was traumatized. She's never acted like that, and I wasn't sure what to do. Also being in a new location with limited resources also added to my frustrations. But I'm glad everyone was able to settle down and enjoy the rest of the day.