Everyone gushes over how little I look. I feel like a house. I've certainly expanded. I've gained the appropriate amount of weight. I'm thankful that my face and upper body hasn't blown up. Which, I think is what people are noticing.
They forget to look below the belly. To my hips and thighs (aka, my treetrunks). My legs have blown up! Its not even funny anymore. I feel like all my pants are sausage casings. Wearing dresses are out of the question. I have to get down on the floor too much at work.
I finally broke down on Saturday and bought another pair of maternity jeans. I just couldn't take how the other pair felt tight around my legs. They were fine for dressing up to go out to dinner, but to sit around the house in, they were awful! Fall is fast approaching and I needed to do something. There was no way to survive with just that pair.
I have a small problem though, I'm small. I'm short. I always have trouble finding pants. Also, I live in a small area, finding maternity clothing is not easy. And, most of those places don't sell short or petite length things. I did the Internet route and it got me the first pair, I wasn't ready to do that again.
I got lucky at Kohl's. They had one pair of petite pants. In a size I would rather not share. I tried them on and they were perfect. Now, they aren't sexy, but they are comfortable. And, that's all I care about right now. I know I will use them for many weeks after Abby gets here, and I don't expect to be putting on any fashion shows at that time. I'll just be glad to not be in a pair of fat pants (aka pajama pants) everyday.
Hopefully the treetrunks are not here to stay. Although, I've never had chicken legs. I would just not to feel like I'm squeezing into my shell every morning when I get dressed.
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