Abby gave me a bit of a scare today. She wouldn't move. She was very, very active yesterday morning. But later into the night, when she's normally active she was quiet. And then she was quiet this morning. She normally moves a little while I'm getting ready, and then in the car ride to work. This morning, nothing.
So, I bought some OJ from the cafeteria and tried to see if that would arouse her. Nope. I laid down on the exam table. Nothing. At this point, I had to do some work, so I thought I would monitor it. I didn't think I felt anything during that time, so I called the nurse.
She told me I could come right over. Which is the one perk of working next to your doctors office. The brought me back. Had me pee in a cup (even though I had just gone, I didn't expect that!). Took my weight and BP. Then they took me back and hooked me up to a machine.
The nurse carefully wrapped these two blue sensors around my belly. She turned the machine on. Silence. My BP is going up. She moves the sensor around. Still silence. BP is getting higher now. She moves it again, and voila, we have a heart beat! This machine monitors the heart rate for twenty minutes. I'm reclined and given the remote to the tv. I'm also given a button to push each time I felt movement.
Of course, she moves right away and I feel like a dumbass. She continues to move for the next twenty minutes. The nurse periodically checks on me. When we're done, we see the doctor and she says everything looks normal. Its ok at this time if I don't feel movement regularly. They say to start kick counts at 32 weeks.
Ha! That's not what your book says. Everything says start counting at 28 weeks. Its better to be safe than sorry. At least the nurse was sympathetic.
So, Abby is ok. She was either stubborn, lazy or just quiet. All of those she could have gotten from me. And really Gene too. That's the kind of people we are. We have our moments. I guess she had one of hers too.
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