I could crawl under my desk right now and take a nice nap. I fell asleep last night sometime around 9:30. I don't really remember. I was watching TV in bed.
My nightly routine goes something like this: Fall asleep between 9:30 and 10. Wake up between 12 and 2 to pee. Wake up again between 3 and 5 to pee again. After second pee, lay awake for a while, staring at the clock, listening to Gene snore. Process weird dreams. Sometime around 5:30, fall asleep. Alarm goes off at 6:15. Hit the snooze once, then maybe again.
If I could break the wide awake time in the wee hours of the morning, I think I would feel ok in the mornings. I am certainly looking forward to sleeping in some tomorrow. I have things I need to get up and do, but hopefully I can sleep till at least 8.
We are going to watch Clemson Men's soccer tonight. I hope I don't fall asleep at the game. I could give up my lunch break to take a nap, but I'm already so hungry I don't think I can skip eating!
Over the past few days, I think my anxiety has gotten better. I'm starting to enjoy the thoughts of being pregnant. I've been excited to think about the up coming months. Besides being tired, I'm still crampy, I still have lower back pains, my ute is still sore. The one big thing is my nose knows everything. My sinuses have never been so flooded with smell before. I still haven't gotten sick. Moving objects, like scrolling on my phone or the ipad, or reading a ticker on the tv, make me feel queasy. The car also makes me feel a little queasy. But, knock on wood, no throwing up yet. I do notice I get dizzy when I stand up after squatting. Which I do several times a day a work. I'm trying to remember not to stand up so fast, or just not to squat!
Its just under two weeks till we meet the OB. I'm eager for it to get here. I just need that continuing recognition that this is happening. I think once I hit the 10 week mark, I will feel a lot more secure about things.
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