We have been doing so good about not getting sick. But, its getting to be that time of year.
Two of Abby's classmates had been out, so I knew something was up. And we would most likely catch it.
And, we did.
I got a call Friday morning that Abby wasn't well and I needed to come get her. They said she was fussy and had several sores in her mouth.
So I knew it was probably Hand, Foot, and Mouth.
I left work. Called the pediatrician on the way and left a message, wanting to know does she need to come in, or what should we do.
I have to say that I'm very pleased with the pediatricians office. They are always very good about returning your phone calls. It takes me 20 minutes to get from work to the daycare and she called me back before I got there.
She told me, it sounded like HFM, and at that point there wasn't anything we could do except let it run its course. Since the blisters had already shown up, the virus was out of her system. We just needed to make sure she was drinking and wetting. She could have ibuprofen as needed for discomfort.
I picked Abby up and she seemed herself. She was excited to be going home with Mommy. She had been drooling a lot, but she's cutting her eye teeth, so I suspected that's what it was. I never looked around her gums, but sure enough there were several red spots. She was a little warm, but no fever.
She ate lunch at home and took a good nap. She was peppy and perky the rest of the weekend. She didn't show any signs of blisters on her hands or feet. Although they say it could take a few days to appear, so I keep checking.
She didn't like eating her pizza or ketchup, but everything else seemed ok to her. She did show me she had a new ulcer on the side of her mouth. I encouraged her to drink her milk to soothe it and try to chew on the other side.
Its just one more thing we can mark off that we've gotten. And that we've survived.
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