Monday, May 5, 2014


  One and half years... 18 months...  78 weeks... 546 days... 13,104 hours... 786,240 minutes old.

And I wouldn't change a single one of them.

I can't believe its already that time.  You are no longer a baby, you are a little girl. It amazing to see how your features and personality have grown and changed.

You are a "hefty" 20 pounds!  Wow... finally to the big 2-0.  You still can wear some 9 month things, and mostly 12 month things.  You do have some 12-18 month things, but there is some room to those.  It all depends on the brand as to how they fit (get use to that, its like that for the rest of your life!).  You still are in a size 3 diaper.  You will probably be in those till your are potty trained (which isn't too far from now!)

You love to eat.  We often find you in the kitchen with your hand stuck in the cabinet, looking for a snack. But, you've always been a snacker.  Cookies are your favorite food.  Especially Oreo's.  You also love cheese, green beans, pizza, spaghetti, pancakes, cereal bars, gold fish, peanut butter crackers, PB&J, french fries, and chocolate candy!  (Thanks easter bunny)

You're vocabulary has exploded.  It doesn't take you long to hear a word and then repeat it. It always surprises me when I hear you say something that I haven't taught you.  You know who your family is, you can say Mama, Dada, Gogee, MaeMae, and Nana.  (We are still working on Poppie (you call him MaeMae as well) and Do-dah).  You know Woody and Smokie.  You know kitty, donkey, bird, duck, fish.  You can say up and down. You can say mine, and NO! You can say and sign, More, Please, and All Done.  

Your favorite place to be is outside.  You stand at the door and beg to go.. ousside.  You love to run around and investigate things.  We moved the swing over so we can sit in the shade while you play in the rocks.  You cry when its time to go in and you cry if we go out and go straight to the car.  I love that you love to be outside and I hope that never changes.

These past few weeks have been tough because you've gotten sick so much.  I can only hope that this summer we can get ride of all the bugs and stay healthy for a while.  I think the sickness could be related to teething.  You know have 10 visible teeth, and two that I think are coming in soon.  You love to use your chompers. 

You have developed a bit of a personality for throwing and epic tantrum if you do not get your way.  You get very, very upset.  You try to hit and bite anyone or anything.  We've been working on these feelings and what's appropriate responses.  Its the hitting and the biting that bothers me.  I do not want you to hit or bite anyone else.  I understand that you do not understand, and most of the time you are upset at me.  Most people think you are the happiest child ever.  But after asking for cookies for the millionth time before bed, an epic tantrum is the only acceptable way to end the evening.  I know we will work through these moments, and a lot of them depend on your mood, my mood, and what's gone on that day.  I try to keep an open mind, and also keep my patience.  Parenting is not the easiest task in the world.

You continue to sleep well.  When you are ready, you are easy to put to bed.  We just follow your cues and most nights you are in bed between 7:30 and 8:00.  You sleep for a nice long 12 hours and you wake up most mornings happy and smiling.

We start swimming lessons tomorrow.  I'm excited to take you.  I loved to swim as a child.  You certainly have plenty of opportunities to do it. MaeMae is always proud to have someone come swim in her pool.  You haven't enjoyed having water on your face in the pool, so we will see how this goes.  I just want you to feel comfortable around the water and excited to get in it.

I can't believe how much time has already passed.  Each day I want to bottle up and hold on to it forever. 

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