Last night was Abby's last of 1st. Yesterday was her first Halloween.
I found a lamb costume online and thought it was the cutest thing and had to have it for Abby. When it came, we tried it on a few times to get her use to it. It involved a hat and at first she didn't like it, but she didn't pull at it once last night. And it was on for several hours!
Her class had a party that day. She was happy and wired when I picked her up. We headed home to get dressed and ready to show her off. I wasn't really interested in trick or treating with her, I just wanted people to see her dressed up.
Once dressed, we headed with the grandparents over to their church for the trunk or treat. Shirley had a good time showing her off to her friends. Abby is so pleasant, she smiled at all the people. She was enthralled with everything going on. She is SO a people watcher.
After that we headed up Brown Avenue. We weren't going to go to every house, but there were a few I wanted her to visit. She did great with the crowds and meeting new people. It was a zoo and there were hundreds of people walking up and down the street. We finished our visiting and headed to our last spot, the Dorn's.
Abby was glad to be back with a crowd that she knew. She enjoyed socializing in the kitchen and munching on munchies. We stayed well past her bed time and she didn't fuss one bit. She did get antsy at times, but I think that's more with her new found skill of walking.
Once we got home, she immediately passed out. I think she enjoyed her 1st Halloween.
I'm sad that these events are coming to an end. Next Tuesday the year rolls over and its the start of 2nds. They won't be like the firsts, so its a new experience all over again. I'm looking forward to watching her eat turkey and stuffing on thanksgiving. I'm looking forward to decorating the Christmas tree, but not the bottom 2 feet! I'm looking forward to her opening presents on Christmas morning, especially with her great grandmother there to help her.
I've said it a million times, but I can't believe how fast the year went. Sunday is her birthday party. 365 days from the day we went to the hospital and found out she would be born the next day. It's been an amazing journey. One that keeps getting better as we go. I love how its changed our lives, I wouldn't change it for anything.
For now, maybe I need to just sit back and enjoy a glass of lemonade.
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