Wednesday, October 2, 2013

She's back

And she won't go away

Aunt Flow that is.

She's been hanging around for over a week now. But its not like "Hey!!! I'm here and lets party!" Its more like "Oh.. you again. I'm not sure I want to socialize with you. Today I think I'll hide, but tomorrow... lets party!"

It started as spotting. Then it went away. Then the cramps started. Then the heavy bleeding. Then it stopped. Then the cramps returned. Then the drainage returned. Then it all stopped. Then it all started again.

I feel like a teenager not knowing what's going on with my body. Its not enough for a tampon (most of the time), but too much for a panty liner. I've messed every single pair of underwear I have. I've had some near misses in my work pants.

I'm too old for this.

I'm hoping that this is it. Maybe my system will regulate now and I won't have problems like this again. After all, the Mirena does state that in most patients it reduces or eliminates your menstrual cycle. It was certainly nice not having one for 18 months.

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