Friday, April 19, 2013

Mad as fire

Abby is sick, again.  It started Monday with a little cough.  I thought it might just be allergies, if infants can even have those.  When she would cough, her eyes would water, but her nose wasn't runny or stuffy.  The cough was dry and there was no other respiratory problems.  Wednesday she felt a little warm, but she was still fine.  She started get stuffy. 

Yesterday when I picked her up at daycare, she looked pitiful.  She was hot, and tired.  She didn't smile when she saw me, she just burried her head into my shoulder.  She screamed when I put her down into the car seat.  So I stayed a while and held her.

Her temp at home was 100.4.  I gave her some Tylenol and we snuggled into the chair.  She slept on and off during the evening.  She didn't like it at all when I put her down, she would immediately wake up.  She did eat, so I felt good about that.

Around 9, I put her in her bed for the night.  Hoping for the best, but knowing it was going to be a long one.  She woke up around 11 and was inconsolable.  So I fed her, and that helped.  She woke up again at 2.  Again, inconsolable, so I fed her.  She was up again at 3.  I didn't think she was hungry so I tried everything else.  I could smell she was wet, so I decided to do a middle of the night change.  And now I remember why I don't do those anymore.  She screamed bloody murder.  I have never seen her so mad.  I worked as fast as I could, even stopping in the middle to hug her but it only made it worse.  As soon as it was over I scooped her up and we both cried. 

After 10 minutes of pacing around the bedroom, she finally settled a little, but was still whimpering.  So I fed her again.  And she ate and fell asleep.  She slept until it was time for me to get up.  She had several coughing fits, so I propped her up in the boppy in the bed with Gene while I got ready. 

Her temp was still up at 100 this morning.  She gets to spend the day with Dad.  At least until I can get there. Hopefully she will start to feel better.  She looked a little perkier this morning. She was content with JJ playing with her.

I treated myself to a grande, full caff, Starbucks this morning to help me through the day.

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