So the pediatrician said it was probably just the start of her getting the nasty crud going around. He confirmed instantly that it wasn't her ears, and she wasn't teething. I guess my mothering instincts were right, because I didn't believe it was either of those.
Yes, she has been rubbing her ears, but she does that when she's tired. She just needs to be removed of stimulation and soothed to sleep and she will be fine.
Yes, I do think that she might be getting teeth, but I don't think its time yet. He assured me that with a fever that high, that its not teething.
He did do a finger stick to check her CBC. That came back normal. That ruled out a mysterious infection. The last thing he wanted to check was her urine. He didn't suspect a UTI, but he just wanted to make sure. And just as suspected, that was negative too. Although someone traumatic, more the betadine and alcohol than the cath itself.
So, with advice to give Tylenol as needed, we went home to weather the weekend.
She still slept awful Friday and Saturday nights. My philosophy was bad sleep was better than no sleep, so co-sleeping it was. She wouldn't dare have it any other way. Thankfully, last night she was able to lay in her own bed with no problems. (well, except for the paci kept falling out).
The fever broke on Saturday and she was back to her little perky self. She took two good naps yesterday and went to bed without problems. She's not showing any signs of further cold symptoms. I don't know if she will or not. She gets a crusty nose every now and then, and the occasionally snot bubble.
She was happy to go back to daycare today. Life returns to normal. I hope all future illnesses are this easy (or at least now I know what to do, so that makes it easier, right?!?!)
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