Friday, February 17, 2012


Do you know one in six couples deal with infertility?

Last night, in a room of six women, I sat in the company of 4 other women who during their lives dealt with infertility.  It wasn't an open discussion.  Two of the women were talking and I listened in.

I'm the only one who wasn't out with there story.  Two of the women were older.  One's tubes were blocked, so they decided against treatment.  She mothered three step children.  One inquired about IVF but was told, at that time, that she wasn't a good candidate because she had no proof that she could successfully become pregnant.  She adopted two children and then became pregnant all on her own. 

The one closest in age to me has two beautiful kids from successful IVF treatment.  And the last one, decided that IVF wasn't a guarantee and the stress and possible heart ache were too much.  She mothered two wonderful step children.

It was amazing being in such a small group with women who have all been where I am.  That know the struggles that have been forced with the same decisions, and have survived.  I wanted to scream out for help, but I didn't need to.  Just knowing that you can continue on, that you can have happy lives, was all that I needed from them.

I don't like being a statistic.  I don't like being on the wrong side of statistics.  I don't like to play the odds.  I'm not a gambler.

I did get word that I've been accepted into the biposy study.  If bloodwork confirms that I ovulated by next wednesday, I will board the Lupron train!  I'm really nervous that this will upset our trip to California.  I'm just hoping my period can stay away long enough not to mess things up.  I'm sensing ovulation sometime Today, Tomorrow maybe.  Sunday would be best, with a nice long LP.  I don't know how to ask about the study timeline or what to do if I might be away.  We need to make travel arrangements.  It doesn't look like I might be able to do that until Aunt Flo visits. 

More hurry up and wait!

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