Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Its been 730 days or 104 weeks, since Abby was born. That calculates to 2 years.  Yes 2 years!!

Where has the time gone.  I would have never thought it would have gone this fast. It really does seem like yesterday that we were riding home from the hospital.  Although, I really do love this stage more than any of the infants stages.

Abby is still petite.  I don't have an exact weight, but she was recently weighed in at 22.5 pounds.  She wears 18 month clothes.  And pants are too big if they don't have tabs.  I don't know height yet, but we get measured next week when we go for her check up.  She's my petite peanut and always will be.

She has 14 teeth, with two more canines coming through soon.  She looks so cute with a mouth full of teeth.  All that will be left is the two year old molars.  I don't suspect those for a while, given the delay in all the other teeth.  Once all the teeth are in, I will take off the amber necklace and put it away.  I can't say that it has or hasn't been helpful.  She hasn't had too much trouble with teeth, so I don't know if that's why or if that's just her.  I wasn't going to take it off and see what happens!

She's still a good eater.  Although recently she will push her plate away and say she doesn't like something.  At which point she is fine not getting anything else to eat.  I'm not worried she is going to starve.  And sometimes, she comes back around when she seems one of us eating it.  Her favorites are still cookies.  She loves pizza, spaghetti, green beans, pancakes, peanut butter, chocolate milk, apple juice, cheese, yogurt, hamburgers, french fries, ice cream, toast, and M&M's. She never eats a large amount, but you can tell when she really likes something because she will eat it quickly.

Her personality is still emerging and its a joy to watch.  She is so much like Gene and me its crazy!  She is creative.  She is intuitive.  She is a quick learner with a sharp memory.  She is easy going (most of the time... she does like routine.. and does have moments).  She is loving.  She is not shy around those that she knows.  She is always a hit a soccer games because she just travels from parent to parent. She is inquisitive and recognizes when things have changed.  "What dis"  "What dat"  I know "Why" is not too far off in her vocabulary.

Her stuffed monkey, Mimi, and her blanket are still prized possessions.  Paci is a strong contender at home.  I think soon, we will do away with all the paci's.  I think they have helped soothe her while teething, and once that is all done, we will say goodbye to the pacis.  I have heard several ideas on how we can do that, I just need to decide what's best for Abby.

She is almost potty trained.  She will sit and peepee on her potty.  She knows she gets a treat for pottying. And no treat when she does nothing.  She loves to celebrate her pottying and is a big fan of streaking through the house to tell you so!  I feel that very soon we will be done with diapers and into panties.  Its one last bit of babyhood that I'm holding on to.

She is very vocal.  She loves to talk to you.  She carries on conversations with you.  She can tell you things about her day, her friends, events that have happened.  She can count to 10.  She can say the ABC's.  She knows nursery rhymes.  She uses sentences. 

She sleeps well.  She goes down to bed easily at night.  I think forming a routine has helped.  She mostly sleeps through the night.  Sometimes, if she hasn't felt well, she will wake up and need to be held for a minute before going back down.  She always gets up with a smile on her face.  Its nice to hear her babbling on the monitor on the days we don't have to get up early.

She loves her brother.  She thinks he is the best playmate.  They enjoy playing soccer.  They play hide and seek.  They read books and play computer games. I love watching their relationship flourish and grow.  She doesn't understand why he isn't there sometimes.  It doesn't seem to bother her yet, but I know there will come a time when it hurts her.

Shes come a long way in 730 days.  She is still a joy and I love her with all my heart.  I am thankful for having her in my life and amazed every day that I made her.  She is my blessing and miracle.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween

I had a hard time deciding what Abby should be for Halloween.  I'm sure she would be fine with anything, but I wanted it to be something that fit her.  I loved the idea of her being Cookie Monster, but she's not big in Sesame Street yet, and I was afraid that she wouldn't want to wear the cookie monster hood, making her then just a blue blob.  (I also was concerned about the temperature, because it has been known to be hot on halloween).

I thought about making her a cat.  She loves cats.  But I didn't like any of the cat costumes I saw. 

She recently has become interested in watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.  She asks for "Minnie Mouse".  So it seemed fitting to dress her as minnie mouse.

She did great wanting to wear the costume.  She even knew she had to keep the ears on.  We practiced for weeks to say Trick or Treat.

She got good experience the day before at Daycare.  They did a dress up day and trick or treated from classroom to classroom.  She seemed to enjoy it and was ready for Halloween.

We got dressed in the costume a little early.  I was afraid it would be on too long and she would want to take it off before we even got to Brown Avenue, but she did great. We had to dress in layers because it was chilly.  But she didn't seem to mind the extras. 

We started at First Baptist, trunk or treat.  It was more for show and tell than for candy getting.  Shirley had a great time taking her from car to car, showing her off. She enjoyed riding the train around the parking lot.  I was impressed that she patiently waited her turn.  Then she got on with no problems and rode around without a peep.

We walked up Brown Avenue to a few houses.  I wasn't going to bother going to all of them.  I just wanted the people who know her to see her.  She was very shy, but smiled and seemed to enjoy it.

She loved getting candy in her pumpkin and enjoyed eating it at the end of the night. Joejee also enjoyed eating the candy that she got. 

Its fun watching her grow and enjoy these holiday events more.  Its making me very excited for Christmas.