Thursday, September 11, 2014


The other night Abby and I were hanging out.  All of a sudden she starts screeching "eeeee"  "eeeeee"

"Mad-son.. eee.. eee.."

I asked her, "Madison says eeee? 

And she repeats herself.

So I ask again... "Does Madison say eeee?

And she shook her head yes and made the awful sound again.

Ok kid.. you're just weird.

So when I dropped her off the next morning, I asked about it.  The topic came up and I took the opportunity to clear things up.  They told me that Madison does screech when she sees her cousins get off the after school bus.  She doesn't do it any other time, but she does it every time she sees them.

I couldn't believe Abby was telling me a true story.  It seemed really strange, but I was impressed that she remembered something.  Or that she could tell me about something that occurred that day. 

I guess I need to start paying more attention to the things she says!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Can't really complain

We have seem to fallen in to a well oiled routine.  Days come and go, and when I look back, its hard to believe so much time has passed.

I'm continually amazed at how much Abby changes day to day.  Her vocabulary is becoming more and more diverse.  She is making sentences.  She can communicate.  We can communicate.  Its still difficult at times, but I'm learning to speak toddlerese as she is learning to speak English. She asks for hugs which I will always stop what I'm doing to give because I want her to always to want to give them to me.

She is full of life.  She loves to imitate things.  She makes animal sounds.  She dances to music, or when she sees dancing on tv.  She plays with her toys and is creative.  She loves to read books.  Lots and lots of books.

She is learning to follow commands.  She knows how to clean up.  Her chore is to help get Woody food.  She loves to place his bowl on the ground.  She knows dirty cups and plates go in the dishwasher. 

She is beginning to show interest in the potty.  Most of the time she can sit on the potty and go.  I've started to reward going potty with M&M's.  I just got a new box of diapers, so when this one gets near the end, I might think about going cold turkey and potty train! :/

She still is a good eater.  Although her tastes change from day to day.  Last week she couldn't get enough yogurt.  This week, she won't touch it.  But she loves toast with jelly. She still loves green beans.  And cookies.  She is a cookie monster.  Although she is learning that you can't have all the cookies you want.  I do know that when she asks to give Woody a cookie, that she expects to get one too!  Sometimes its ok to spoil your dinner, right?!?!

And, knock on wood, she is a great sleeper.  Because its starting to get dark earlier, or she is getting more worn out, bedtime has crept back up to 8:15, and slowly moving closer to 8:00.  (Which I really enjoy!) She has had no problems collecting her loveys, saying good night, and going to bed.  She might roll around in the bed for a while, but she never says a peep.  Very rarely does she wake at night, and then it just takes a paci to put her back to sleep.  We've also found giving her some extra time to wake up in the morning also helps her mood. She enjoys hanging out in the bed with Daddy watching "artoons" like a big girl.

Its not perfect all the time.  We don't live in Utopia.  She is becoming comfortable with the terrible twos.  She can have a fit.  And its usually over nonsense.  Its funny to watch her collapse on the floor or shed tear after crocodile tear.  She knows what time out is and sometimes when she's upset she will go to time out on her own.  We hug it out afterward and she goes on with her day like nothing has changed.

Being a parent it amazing.  Its not always easy, and its not always fun, but I'll take it. 

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Full House

Last week I got a call from Grammy.  Really random and quite alarming.  Grammy never calls me.. first thought was I hope everything is ok.

Grammy asks how things are and how things are going.  I've just taken Abby out of the bath so we are buck naked in her room.  She asks me what I'm doing for Labor Day weekend (which is the next weekend).  I tell her Mom and Dad are coming.  We plan on swimming in the pool and watching football.  I ask her what she's doing.  She asks me is its ok for her and Uncle Tim to come for a visit.

I'm floored!  Of course its ok!  I'm never going to tell Grammy she can't come. 

Her and Tim arrive on Thursday.  After a long drive from Pittsburgh, in a car with no air conditioning. They are frazzled, but glad to be here.

Mom and Dad arrive Friday evening, and my house is full. 

Its a heartwarming feeling knowing having generations of family in your house.

Abby completely loved having everyone spoil her for the weekend.  She loved playing with Gam-my and Uncle Bimbo (Timbo). Nina and Dodah were a big hit too.

We watched football.  We took a boat ride. We ate birthday cake.  We had a good time.

Abby has gotten to see her great grandmother three times this year.  That's more than I've ever gotten.  I'm so glad she gets to be a part of Abby's life.