Monday, June 30, 2014

Flower Girl

This past weekend was Jerry's wedding.  An event that we've been expecting for several months.  An event that we weren't sure which way things would go.

Last fall Tracie asked me if Abby would like to be a flower girl in the wedding.  I agreed, but only with the understanding that she might not want to participate.  Tracie was ok with that, and said she as ok with anything that happened.

We didn't do much practicing for the day.  We tried in the church, but Abby was too easily distracted.  Plus, the ceremony was going to be in a hotel, so it wouldn't be the same.  We just decided we would wing it and see how things do when the time came.

Well Friday was the rehearsal.  The wedding planner decided that it was ok if Abby and I walk down the aisle together.  She is more than willing to hold my hand and walk with me.

We practiced several times and she didn't have a problem with it at all.

Saturday, we made sure she got a good nap, she was fed.  She got dressed in her pretty green and white lacy dress.  She willingly kept the bow in her hair.

We congregated in the hallway outside the ceremony room.  She was given a basket of flower petals to hold and or scatter.  She loves playing with baskets and putting things in and taking them out.  She didn't understand that now was not the time to take them all out.  She was getting fussy and pissy and wanted me to hold me.  I tried not to pick her up because then I knew she wouldn't want to be put down.  I did the only thing I knew I could to keep her quiet, I stuck in the paci.

She calmed down and its was finally our turn.  She entered the room and she walked down the aisle with me hold my hand and holding her basket.  She smiled at all the people and came with me to the front.  We stopped in our spot. 

Then she saw Gene.

"Daddy!!!!"  "Gogee!!!" 

I just let her go to them.  Gene then took her out of the room so she wouldn't disrupt the rest of the ceremony.

She managed to hold it together for some pictures.  Thankfully the photographer didn't want to take very many. 

She sat nicely in the high chair and ate some dinner. 

Then, she discovered the dance floor.  Little bit had a wild time getting her groove on.  She twirled around and around and around for hours! 

She loved the colored lights and the music.

She didn't want to leave!! 

I made sure to bring her PJ's with her because I knew she would crash hard when we got in the car.  And she did.  She slept until 8:30 the next morning!  

It was great to see family and friends we hadn't seen in a long time.  Grammy got to come.  It was good for her to see how grown up Abby is getting. Its a shame that we only get together for weddings and funerals.  And those don't happen very often.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Your first is still your favorite

Dog was the first word.  Woody was the first personalized word.  Its only fitting that Abby still loves dogs, and animals of all types.

She goes nuts over a dog.  Giggly, happy, squealing, excitement for a dog, cat, or some other animal creature.

Its nature, afterall, Gene is an animal lover, so is Shirley.

Pet commericals make Abby the happiest.  Petsmart, or Petco get a squeal or two.  But the ASPCA and animal rescue commericals win her over.

Its at least a minute of pure happiness for Abby.  "Dog" "Dog" "Kittie""Meow""Dog"" Woof"

Its so hard to watch her be excited because you know the commerical is suppose to be sad. She doesn't know the dogs and cats are homeless and or in poor health.  She's just so excited to see an animal.

Its precious.  And its one of those things I want to keep in my mind forever.  (Or least on video, if I can remember to do it). 

Monday, June 9, 2014


I'm not really sure what she says, the best we can come up with is "Bo-Coo".  Which means peanut butter. She will stand at the counter and beg for a spoon. (Or she will try to open the drawer herself and reach blindly for one!)  Once she has a spoon, she turns around to the other counter and begs for Bo Coo. 

She would like you to dip her spoon in the peanut butter.

She could eat the entire jar of PB, if we let her.  But we have limits. Although we often let her do it well past when we should stop.  Just because it gets her so excited, and PB isn't really that bad for you.  (Both Gene and I love it, so its hard to stop for us too!).

We are working on the real word.  It has many syllables, so its quite complex for her vocabulary.  But she's trying.  She uses so many more words now.  And babbles most all the time.

She's also learning to use words in context.  She knows eat means shes hungry and she will ask to sit in her high chair and "eat" when its dinner time. She also knows snack and will go digging in the cabinet looking for the perfect treasure to munch on.

She knows ride and knows that means you go somewhere in something other than the car.  She loves the Gator, and recently she's taken to rides in the wagon.  She will ask to go "ousside and ride".

She knows to kick her legs while swimming and says "kick kick kick".  She's become so much more comfortable on the water, sometimes its hard to get her out.  She knows she needs to move her arms (scoopers) and her legs (kickers) to get anywhere.

She knows sock and shoes go on your feet.  And she knows where her shoes are kept so she disappears into her room to reappear with a different pair of shoes for you to put on. She smiles are you and says "Sues on".

She knows her lovies.  She asks for Mimi and blanket. (Often the pronunciation is on the Ket part of blanket.)  She knows to ask her pappy, and lord help you if you don't have one.  "My pappy mommy.. my pappy!"  She uses the time between day care and home every night as her own downtime.  She often sits quietly in the back seat, sucking on pappy, just taking a moment to rest. 

She finally grasped that Poppie is Poppie and not Maemae.  And she has taken to Poppie much like he's taken to her.  I don't believe there is anything she could ever do that he would think no wrong about.  She is wrapped around him.  Its precious to see.  I enjoy watching there interaction. 

She thinks movement is call "see-saw".  She will sit in her rocker and sing see saw to herself.  The playground at daycare has a see saw that the kids (or maybe just Abby), love to play on.  I often she her run to it in the mornings and see- saw with her friend Brice.  (Brice is twice her size, so there isn't much seeing or sawing). 

She know Bye Bye and what bye bye means.  Although its often said once the person is gone and can't hear her.  When we leave in the morning, I often hear "Bye bye dada" as we pull away.  She makes sure to say Bye to her friends each day as we leave, even if they aren't still on the playground.

There is still a ways to go.  We still have a lot of grunts and groans, squeals and screams, but she is a sponge and is absorbing and learning so quick, that I know it won't be too long before she can express herself to her fullest.