Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Now we wait

Abby's recent fever spike had me concerned.  She kept putting her fingers in her ears and rubbing her neck.  So I scheduled an appointment with the pedi... stat.

It's the same routine... high fever 103-104-105. Relieved with ibuprofen for a while, then it shoots back up.  She's fine when its down, but when its up she just whimpers and writhes around in your arms.  This is the fourth time in seven weeks.

The pedi immediately said her ears, nose, throat were all clear.  We've been down this road before, so we know urine and finger stick will be normal.  He wanted to do more testing.  Just to rule out things. 

My heart started to beat faster, and my mind raced.  He explained that he didn't think it was serious, possibly an inflammatory disorder.  But we wouldn't know anything without further testing.

He wanted a chest x ray, to make sure it wasn't pneumonia, or something else brewing in the chest.  And a full blood panel.  Yikes.  I knew this wasn't going to be good.  JJ had come with us, so I was glad to have some help.

We started with the xray.  JJ had to wait outside, which I had already explained to him might happen.  They had me lay Abby on the table on her back first.  I covered myself in the lead vest and held her arms and legs down.  Then they rolled her on her side and I held her again.  The entire time, she's crying, but not wriggling to get out of my hold.  It only took a few minutes and it was done.

Next we headed over to the lab.   The tech took a while getting set up.  I could tell she was preparing for battle.  I had no idea how this would go, but I was imaging the worst.  They told me I could bring Abby back and lay her on the table.  She didn't like this at all.  She doesn't even like being laid down in the bed at night, so I knew that would be the first battle.  I held her down, and again, she wasn't fighting me, just crying hysterically.  Another tech held her arm down. 

3-2-1 and it was in.  The crying got louder and more hysterical.  I fought back my own tears.  I know how much discomfort she's in.  I hate it!  I hate it when its myself, I hated it even more to see my baby go through it. 

She continued to lay still.  They took enough for four tubes. When it was all over I scooped her up and hugged her tight.  She buried her head in my shoulder and whimpered.  She stopped crying relatively soon, but continued to sniff and hick up. 

We got loaded in the car and headed home.  I could tell the medicine was wearing off, she was starting to get hot again.  By the time we got home, she was lethargic.  I knew it had been a long day.  She hadn't napped at all.  She had just been through a serious traumatic experience.  She cuddled in my arms for a while.  And then like clockwork, the medicine had kicked in and she was perky again.  She finally went to bed around 9.

She woke up twice.  The second time, just coming to bed with us.  Which is horrible.  She thinks its fun to sleep sideways in the bed.  So we constantly have arms or legs poking us!  The fever didn't spike back up when the advil wore off this morning, although it was still high. 

I'm waiting on the results of the lab work.  He said we should here something by this afternoon.  But since we were so late getting them, it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't hear anything until tomorrow. 

I'm on pins and needles.  I'm trying not to over think it.  I already googled it.  So, I know what to expect.  And like he said, its probably not serious, and hopefully there is a simple solution to this.  Or hopefully and explanation.

Monday, April 28, 2014


Abby is up to 10 teeth.  I knew the last time she got sick.... two weeks ago.  That there was another tooth coming in.  It was the same scenario.... snotty nose, then a high fever a few days later. 

All along, I had been assuming that it was the other top tooth coming in.  But this weekend, I saw that the bottom right molar was all the way in!  I had completely missed it!  I kept feeling for the top, thinking I felt something, but all along it was the bottom tooth.

I had started to doubt myself, because the top tooth wasn't coming in like it should.  But I had just been looking in the wrong place.  She really doesn't like you looking in her mouth these days.  And I can understand why... I'm sure it really hurts.

I also noticed while I had her mouth open, that there is a little bud where the left bottom molar is starting to break through.  That may explain the night time fussiness, and the lack of desire to eat anything.  She wasn't interested in breakfast this morning.  She wasn't running a fever, and I hope she doesn't get one.  We haven't had any issues with a snotty nose, so I don't know what's going on. 

I've been sick since before we left on our trip.  I've had a wicked cough and after Abby's last round of snot, I developed a nasty head cold.  I've been blowing green snot for a week and coughing up junk non stop.  I can just really hope that once all the teeth are in, that we get a nice long break.  I know Abby is ready to be comfy for a while. 

She's gotten 9 new teeth since Christmas.  That's 2 a month.  That's every two weeks!  Bless her heart!

Gone Duck Hunting

This weekend, my parents came up for a visit.  We really didn't have anything planned.  Which is always a hard thing when they come.  I feel like if there isn't anything planned, the time drags on and we just sit around at home.  But this time, it didn't feel like that.

Abby played outside for a while Saturday morning.  Then she went down for a nap around lunch time.  We went and got lunch and brought it home to eat.  After she woke up, we let her eat lunch and then waited on Gene to get home from working.  We decided we were going to feed the ducks at a local pond.

I had never been to the pond, but it has some nice large geese there.  It was well shaded.  I thought it would be great for Abby to do.  Plus, its something I did often with my parents as a child.  We stopped on the way to get a loaf of bread for the ducks.  We only had one slice left at home.  The ducks were lucky to get fresh bread!

Instantly, Abby loved giving the ducks bread.  She also liked eating it herself.  She would politely ask for more please.  Then she would break off a piece for the ducks and then take a bite for herself.  She must have eaten at least three pieces total.  I would try to get her to continue to feed the ducks and not herself. 

She thought it was loads of fun.  She loved seeing the ducks swim away, fly back in for more bread.  She laughed when the chased each other and when they fought.  She also let one duck take the bread completely from her hand.  (I got it on camera, the duck literally eats her hand!!!)  And she didn't say a peep!

She got to ride around on my dad's shoulders.  Just like I did when I was little.  She had fun slapping his head, and messing up his hair.  She made a lot of Ohh's and Ahh's while she was riding.

The weather was beautiful.  It was warm, but not humid.  There was plenty of shade, but just enough sun.  Everyone had a really great time.  I am glad that my parents were able to have this experience with Abby. I hope its something we can continue to do as she gets older.

Monday, April 7, 2014


Woody has been trained, when you ask him to say please (like when you want to give him a treat), he will bark.

We've been working on please and thank you with Abby.  Every time she asks for something, we ask her to say please.  This usually results in Woody saying please, and not Abby.

Yesterday, Abby wanted a cookie.  So we asked her to say please.

Her response...


We were tickled at her ingenuity.  Of course, that's not the response we wanted, but when you think about it... that's the response she knows.  She doesn't know "Say Please"  means say "Please". 

We are hoping to get it on video.  Its one of those memories that we don't ever want to forget.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Again... and again.. and again.

I feel like we are on rinse and repeat...

We went two weeks sick free.  She had been having a snotty, runny nose, but nothing serious.  Then Sunday night (great timing), she spiked a fever.  103+

She went to bed fine, but still woke up with a high fever.  She got to stay home for the day.  She lounged around.  Not eager to do anything.  When I got home and we snuggled on the couch, I had a thought.  I stuck my finger in her mouth and rooted around.


There is was.  A nice sharp edged molar. 

Every tooth has been like this.  Snotty nose, spike a fever, done.  I'm so ready to be done with teething.  She's cut 7 teeth since December. I guess a late start means they all come back to back.  Its just hard because she can't go to daycare with a fever.  Even if its just teething.  Nope, she gets to stay home.  Hopefully, the next three will come quick and we can get a break for a while.

I should say, that she's over all pleasant about the whole teething experience.  Besides the fever, she really doesn't show and discomfort.  She's been wearing the teething necklace for months, so maybe that helps.  I'm not really willing to take it off and find out.  Maybe she's easy going, maybe its the necklace.  I don't know.

I'll be certain to be vigilant about looking for new teeth.